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View Full Version : Applying to blood games bugg?

10-06-2011, 07:21 AM
When the new update came I obviously checked out all new parts (except the ATM - which I can’t find). And in the blood game it only said that none of my gladiators had proven them self - now I checked the rules for participating more thoroughly I see that one have to be top 100 to be allowed in - well, Gaius 82, Mamercini 9, Lepidus 83 - now some of them might have changed over the days but at least Mamercini would have been in the top 100 range 3 days ago (or when it started). I’m not sure if it's a bug or just me not being persistent enough in my applications, but I just wanted to report it to be safe.

And a question upon that – aren’t there going to be any messages about coming blood games (or does one have to keep track of them by one self?)

10-06-2011, 07:31 AM
Note that this only applies for the top 100 of the game and not every top 100 of every single bracket.

This means that all in warlord, Pitlord, and legend and the upper top of Champions were invited and nothing below that my glad Jinrou was at spot 108 from the total so he didn't apply either.

10-06-2011, 07:34 AM

The top 100 in the whole arena, not just in your class. Mamercini is the 9th best Gladiator in the Veteran Class, and is fairing quite well might I add, but he will need to continue pushing to be top in all of the arena. We expect the Arena officials will expand the number of invites to the Blood Games next month, but they are a nefarious bunch, so we can never guess their full intentions.

Keep up the good work and you will continue to rise in the ranks.


10-06-2011, 11:57 AM
When the new update came I obviously checked out all new parts (except the ATM - which I can’t find)

Hi Deus, the ATM (Automated Trophy Merchant) was just a joke (probably a bad one and too American centric), there isn't actually a location in the game you need to go to in order to collect your trophy for killing an opponent, it will happen automatically. :)

Good luck in the Pit!


10-06-2011, 01:20 PM
Ahhh, thanks for all fast replies :D