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09-29-2011, 05:26 PM

Fight tokens are my only cause for concern but I'm more than willing to try out the system before i start to complain LOL.

Team Kaos
09-29-2011, 06:11 PM
Interesting idea, but not sure I understand how it actually functions.

09-29-2011, 06:20 PM
???? me either lol....how will challenges work?

09-29-2011, 07:57 PM
I think you guys will find that the system is very nice and easy and streamlined.

09-30-2011, 04:58 AM
Challenges? easy, you pummel a glad to death with any of your glads surrounding it just store up 2 days worth of tokens and issue challange with all of them! Injuries and death everywhere :D

10-04-2011, 09:25 AM
On the 1 hand I like the new fight system on the other hand i dislike it.
On the plus side you are able to avoid battling yourself.
On the down side you can get challenged by others so that defeats the avoiding of battles xD

Also i noticed repair costs are going way up Laharl fought twice today and got charged with repairs for both.
He got gold for the fight i did myself but he got 0 gold/exp for the other fight as thus the costs for fighting increase by alot.

Also the new pay 2 jewels to fight system looks interesting i guess that way fighters can rise alot in ranking in a short time I wouldn't advise to click it to much but it has some funny possibilities xD

10-04-2011, 11:28 AM
On the plus side you are able to avoid battling yourself.Do you mean your gladiator sees himself in his avoid list? That is a bug if that is the case.

On the down side you can get challenged by others so that defeats the avoiding of battlesAvoids work the same as always. If you set your gladiator to avoid a certain gladiator, it will be honored when you initiate a fight and when others initiate a fight. Challenges on the other hand are only honored when you initiate the fight.

Also i noticed repair costs are going way up Laharl fought twice today and got charged with repairs for both.
He got gold for the fight i did myself but he got 0 gold/exp for the other fight as thus the costs for fighting increase by alot.Repair costs have not changed other than being able to repair your items using trophies. In addition only the initiating gladiator has the durability on his equipment affected. If you are seeing otherwise that is a bug.

Edit: I just double checked this and the opponent's equipment remains the same as it was before the fight, there is no durability reduction.

10-04-2011, 11:49 AM
Do you mean your gladiator sees himself in his avoid list? That is a bug if that is the case.

No it means that this way you can avoid battling so that your infuries/repair costs won't stack asmuch as before.

Avoids work the same as always. If you set your gladiator to avoid a certain gladiator, it will be honored when you initiate a fight and when others initiative a fight. Challenges on the other hand are only honored when you initiate the fight.

Avoid does indeed work same as always i didn't intend it to sound in that way :P
It means that others still can battle you and if your equipment still gets damaged from it that means not battling in order to repay your repairing costs will have less purpose.

Repair costs have not changed other than being able to repair your items using trophies. In addition only the initiating gladiator has the durability on his equipment affected. If you are seeing otherwise that is a bug.

Well that's the first bug with the new system than
Im 100% sure I had repaired his equipment from his fight with the old system already before he fought the battles with the new system.

I will try to check it again if he gets in a fight he didn't issue himself and post it in this comment for extra verification. (No harm in checking again even if im 100% sure of it lol)

Checking it aswell Etna and Shikii are pretty clsoe to eachother strange that the repair costs were higher than normal than but oh well xD


Other bug found.
Shikii is unable to challenge Etna, Etna is supposed to appear in Shikii's challenge list between the gladiators Cromwell and Beaumont but does appear at this spot

Im unable to check it due to the bug^^

10-04-2011, 12:12 PM
Thanks Prinny, if you do find that your durability is going down when you did not initiate the battle please let me know and I'll dig deeper.

Good luck in the Pit!


10-04-2011, 12:24 PM
I havent seen any durability decrease anymore exept for my own battles and the tournament fight so I guess there's no problem there.

It still leaves the issue of not being able to challenge my other stables gladiators though.

Shikii is from Kyuuketsuki
Etna is from Prinny Squad

As noted in previous post neither Shikii nor Etna are able to challenge eachother is this part of the new system aswell or just a bug?

10-07-2011, 10:07 AM
Ok its been a few days since the big change in our beloved game, and ive had some time to let the changes sink in and my initial rage to calm down. Before i move on to make some feedback threads ill make some short comments on the changes. I appreciated the changes in the interface, and loading the pages no longer lag, atleast on my computer. I abosolutely love the new tournament format, and i absolutely hate the new fight token system. Overall this is no longer the same game ive invested countless hours and hundreds of dollars on stable upgrades for 2 of my teams. To say it bluntly i feel cheated out of my money, ive paid for 1 game and suddenly been given something else overnight.

10-07-2011, 03:06 PM
I guess I'll put my two cents in. I personally love the changes. The tournament format is awesome, I just wish my guys were not fighting each other all the time. As for the arena fights, I love it. I don't have to rush home and make sure all injuries are healed before a set time. Plus I can get my challenges that I want (usually I just want to challenge the highest ranked glad that I dont own.) and not fight my other stable guys. I can see where some people might use this to pad their stats. But people will find easy ways out for any game. All in all I like this update. Can't wait for the next one.

10-07-2011, 03:28 PM
I'm really really glad i can see the fights initiated by opposing stables on my guys. it's like watching 4-5 fights a day :)

10-10-2011, 06:29 AM
I love the new tourney format as well but am not a big fan of the tokens. It makes me feel like I am playing in a vacuum. Sure my fights exist and affect my team, but since they don't have any affect on anything or anyone else, I feel like I am playing a single player game. How can I feel a rivalry with anyone when any challenges would be initiated by me? Any deaths or injuries I receive are pretty much my own fault for challenging/not challenging (And usually the latter since I almost never challenge). I find myself treating regular fights like tavern fights now. I don't even read them, just click through to the next one.

Was it worth the tokens for the tourney format? I don't know. The tourney format is extremely cool, but I find my interest in the every day grind has dropped enormously. But for now I'll plod on and see how I like it a month from now.

10-10-2011, 04:35 PM
the arena is less personal now because focus has shifted to the tourney.