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09-27-2011, 10:07 PM
Anyone else out there thinking that it's a bit of an OP skill? It certainly screams "I WIN" vs a 2H rage

lately I'm seeing it hit with the same damage as a rage's Rampage, and doing the attack reduction. certainly sucks when it procs against my 2H rage gladiators. losing 600hp and getting 44% less swings of fuck all is kinda bad :(

now i'd be fine if it did either dumb damage or attack nerf, but doing both makes me a sad panda.

EDIT: please note that I'm commenting on this from the perspective of a stable that is almost all 2H rage. I dont know how much hamstring influences fights against other gladiator types. all I know is that it is the bane of my 2H existence

09-28-2011, 06:32 AM
Hamstring is in the last stand league of powerful skills, and (un)fortuneatly only available to the war speciality. In my opinion 2h ragers are the LEAST affected by hamstring, because as far as ive seen youll always be able to do atleast 1 swing, and being a 2h rager you can end a fight in 3 swings. A couple of months ago i decided to use the heaviest available weapons for my gladiators, and 1 of the reasons was to better being able to deal with hamstring. The reasoning, if im gonna swing less, i want to do more damage on each hit. Light weapons dont get enough swings compared to the heavy ones.

09-28-2011, 07:40 AM
Yup 2H rages seem to get the least penalty from it since they don't hit alot to begin with.

Also regarding the damage output i see my hamstring deflected against armor quite some time and never saw it do more damage than a normal hit would do getting 600 damage is probably your rages light armour combined with a strong weapon and good strength (or some other things that increase the damage output of an attack)

09-28-2011, 12:26 PM
Hamstring is in the last stand league of powerful skills, The reasoning, if Im gonna swing less, I want to do more damage on each hit. Light weapons dont get enough swings compared to the heavy ones.

Ok if light weapons are faster would thay not get more swings ? Just as not powerful swings as a Slow heavy 2h.

09-28-2011, 07:57 PM
If it's affecting 2H ragers the least, i'd hate to see what the rest of you get.

that said, 2H rage gets dick all swings to begin with, so getting even less is a pain when they're wearing crazy armor and you're wearing paper mache. lets not forget that create distance becomes even better when it's being used against someone who may only swing once a round.