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View Full Version : help from the crowd

09-24-2011, 07:06 AM
My current theatric has a decently high pressence, one time I ended up losing when I would probably have won because the crowd throught my health was too low even though my opponent had less life and energy than me.

however, today I had a pretty funny situation develop. My glad Trogdorz was in the black market in a fight, he had a slight edge over my opponent when my glad dropped the axe he was using. A loyal fan threw him a Kris (which was probably higher quality than the weapon he had just dropped) with which Trogdorz proceeded to skin his opponent alive.

Anyone else had random assisstance from the masses that may have affected the outcome of a battle.

09-24-2011, 11:11 AM
Since it was Black Market that kris probably wasn't better unless you have more trains in the wep skill than in maces/axes lol
Loyal fans have trown me nice grey weapons when i dropped my purple ones which changes the battle in the favor of the opponent ;)

09-24-2011, 12:54 PM
I had an interesting arena challenge earlier, my warrior had turtled up and the crowd beat the hell out of the Axe Murderer for me, ended up giving me a win.