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View Full Version : Presence

09-22-2011, 10:16 AM
Does presence affect Theatrics that much? I've seen where people said it did, but I've seen others say otherwise. I've got a glad in the markets I'm looking at a glad with 48 presence, lol. I mean 75 str, 84 agi, 73 stam, 74 size. I wish I even had a grasp on how presence affects your gladiators.

Team Kaos
09-22-2011, 03:23 PM
With low presence you will see your gladiator die more often, lose close battles with the enforcer giving it to the opponent and you will also have a hard time picking up a weapon once it is dropped. Other then that those are great attributes.....I'd take him...you can always see how he works out and train his presence and eventually gear him with some bonus presence to even him out.

09-22-2011, 03:28 PM
Nate changed how some attributes work a little while back, one of the changes was to presence and this is what he said

- Presence
* Can help increase your chance to kill your opponent.
* Can help increase your initiative.

You can find the rest of the post here - http://forum.pitofwar.com/showthread.php?392-Game-Update!

09-22-2011, 03:35 PM
Well Nijino, the new glad, went 14-2 in some test runs through the black market, passing out twice where almost all his wins are from the opponent passing out but he is usually handling them very easily despite being level 2.

09-22-2011, 08:16 PM
Oh, didn't see that before, Dainoji, thanks.