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View Full Version : Newbie looking for suggestions

09-21-2011, 05:41 PM
Hello all! Just ran into this game today.

Not sure what to do with my glad, he has stats of:
str 82, int 61, agi 62, stam 61, size 84, pres 63, chi 62

With the str and size i went Rage for style which seemed like an ok idea at the time, am working on the Arena fights right now puting the training points into 2handed weapon, if anyone has an suggestions or tips they would be great (even if its that guy has no chance, get a new one!).

09-21-2011, 06:14 PM
Judging by his stats it looks like he is your first gladiator, the one the game gives you when you start. You can almost always find better ones at the slave market, however that doesn't mean you can't still use this one. Looking at those stats, he might have been better as a War gladiator since his size and strength would allow him to carry more armor.

Having said that the larger size will give you more health helping to mitigate the fact that as a Rage gladiator you can only wear light armor. My suggestion would be to learn how to play the game with this guy and expect to get some losses and once you figure things out add a second gladiator to your stable or sell this one if you haven't grown attached to him and buy a new one.

Team Kaos
09-21-2011, 06:21 PM
A good choice with what you were dealt, but I think you may want to upgrade in the future to a better attributed slave. It would probably work best ig you switched to dual wield axes/maces instead of a 2 handed weapon. You will have a slightly better % in weapon skill training.

His high strength and size will help in a few Rage skills as well. Learn with him and learn some of the do's and dont's. You can always expand your stable for cheap and buy a new gladiator, but hold out for that can't miss out on slave. Look for attributes that fit well with the build you are interested in creating. It may take some time to come across but it will be well worth the wait.

09-21-2011, 08:35 PM
Thanks for the advice all!

I went ahead an made a donation to the ASPCA and used the trophies (btw what a great idea you can donate to charities to get to unlock things in this game) to unlock 2 more gladiator slots so i have more guys to experiment with and figure out the game with. I wanted one of each fighting style, so ended up with 2 new fighters:

A theatrics:
str 66, int 79, agil 79, stam 68, size 64, pres 68, chi 69

and a War
str 72, int 61, agil 74, stam 80, size 81, pres 71, chi 66

Again stats probably aren't perfect but I am hoping they will be good enough to at least be competative a bit at the beginning.

09-21-2011, 09:14 PM
first one would make a good theatric (agi is their top stat) and as all the other stats are pretty much average that would be best for him

for the second one, that's actually a pretty amazing set of stats (at least coming from a fellow newbie). I'm thinking a War as Stam and Size are both important for them, the only thing that may hurt him a bit is the int (but then one of my glads has 60 int and is my best one so far).

If you hold your mouse over the skills in the skill tree it will tell you what stats are important for leveling up each skill, so you can figure out which stats are important. from what i've seen so far ragers like str and size, wars like stam, size and str and theatrics like agi and pres

09-22-2011, 02:27 AM
and a War
str 72, int 61, agil 74, stam 80, size 81, pres 71, chi 66

Again stats probably aren't perfect but I am hoping they will be good enough to at least be competative a bit at the beginning.

Those are some amazing stats how expensive was he?

09-22-2011, 03:28 AM
I believe he was over 1000, seems like he was the only one I have seen that was over 1000, I accually had high hopes for him, but ended up he was the only one that lost his first battle.... got to work on his battle stratagy :)

09-22-2011, 03:32 AM
haha, good score with the gladiator stats :)

just set them to 3/3 activity/bloodlust and you'll be right for the 1st 15 levels :P

09-22-2011, 04:37 AM
Well it is easy to see he was over 1000 I wondered how much exactly though :P
Either way don't sell that one he's good xD

09-22-2011, 03:56 PM
Just wanted to say thanks again all! Great community here, i went ahead and unlocked the other gladiator slots, and flipped threw the new slaves till I got some decent guys.... been changing strats and fighting in the black market to see how stuff is effected.

09-22-2011, 09:30 PM
nice, I did the same, put some money in so I could browse for some good glads, got myself one of each type of glad now with pretty good stats on each (never saw a glad for over 1000gold though, highest for me was 998). i might be facing off against some of yours over the next couple of days as we level up. but I will say good stats are not everything, they just help give you a big of an edge, my level 2 War has over 90 stam but in his first fight he got his ass kicked by a level 2 theatrics before they ran out of energy

09-23-2011, 04:21 AM
Whats your team name jasta so I see if we have fought yet, if ya fought me last round you probably kicked my guy's asses. It wasnt a good round for my team.

09-24-2011, 05:22 AM
shot you my team name via pm, If you have a gladiator named Cynaidh then I see you on the black market list, one of my champs, Trogdorz is a few slots above yours.

09-24-2011, 05:36 AM
Yup that's one of my guys, still trying out changing strats one digit at a time to see whats most effective in that black market.