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View Full Version : best early winner

09-19-2011, 02:43 AM
So, I just started this game today, and made a bunch of really dumb mistakes (such as wasting trophies on extra arena fights before I even knew what trophies were) so i'm going to start up a new account and start fresh.

Now, I noticed a lot of the gladiators for sale in the slave market had better stats than my starter one, so I figure I'll earn some decent cash off my first gladiator, buy a better one who i'll invest in for the long term and then sell off my starter one.

so, what is generally a strong early build? rage, warrior, theatrics, and what kinds of weapon, thanks

09-19-2011, 04:07 AM
Rage, War and Theatrics can all win easilly early there is no such thing as a majorly stronger class.

For Myself ive had the most luck using war gladiators especially early but that is also most likely because i have the most experience with those outof the 3 classes.

Regardless of class i think it is best to invest points only in weapon skill untill it reaches 5 than switch to training some other skills.

There are several FAQ's on this forum you might want to read through those although i didn't do that when i started.

Team Kaos
09-19-2011, 09:51 AM
The most important things when beginning a new gladiator is to pick a style that best fits his attributes, you may want a Rage but his attributes may fit a war of Theatrics better. So before picking go over his attributes and decide what best serves him in the long run.

Once you pick and create your gladiator, stamina will be the most important factor along with training weapon skill, I go to 6 before moving onto any other skills. Young gladiators have a hard time making contact so Stamina plays a major factor. As does weapon skill, the higher your skill the more often you will land and less burden on stamina for your gladiator.

For equipment lighter is better, less encumbrance and better for initiative. Like I said earlier young gladiators are usually stumbling and fumbling with their weapon so the big hits are far and few between. No need for fancy equipment just yet. Concentrate on equipment with attack power or defensive bonuses depending on your strategy.

Once your gladiator gets his bearings after 30-40-50 fights then move onto gearing your guy with attribute points in mind.

Also, and this is important...never run a gladiator faster then his weapon skill level......believe me it pays off huge.

09-20-2011, 01:25 AM
i'll just ask any further questions here so as to not clutter the forum:

Is there any disadvantage to duel wielding over just using one weapon, do you get a penalty on hitting or something? Also, do you attack faster when duel wielding or do you just alternate between the weapons.

When hitting different body parts is it easier to hit certain parts of the body or is it pretty much the same all around?

09-20-2011, 07:35 AM
dual wield has no penalty afaik. you get more attacks. lots more since nate changed it.

Team Kaos
09-20-2011, 05:27 PM
dual wield has no penalty afaik. you get more attacks. lots more since nate changed it.

A single weapon does inflict more damage then the dual wield but you will throw a punch with your off hand with less then hopeful results compared to landing with a weapon in the off hand.

09-20-2011, 09:06 PM
thanks for the info, what about the targetting body parts question? or is that something that is inconclusive

also, is there any way to see my specific stats, such as AP, defense, likely chance to hit etc? when I look at the overview screen it just gives basic stuff like health and energy

Team Kaos
09-20-2011, 11:32 PM
also, is there any way to see my specific stats, such as AP, defense, likely chance to hit etc? when I look at the overview screen it just gives basic stuff like health and energy

Your buffs appear on the equipment page. Here you will see a total of your AP, def, and attribute buffs