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12-22-2010, 02:40 PM
So the Vault really only starts with 1 SLOT? This feels pretty weak/lame to me and it's not intuitive the differences between Armory (which looks like it has tons of space) and the Vault.

Additional Vault slots cost ~$5 per 1 extra SLOT? Really? This seems pretty exorbitant price, why is it so high compared to everything else?

Anyway I hope this changes, I like many other factors to the game.

12-22-2010, 08:39 PM
Hey Jaradakar,

Thanks for the feedback. Vault slots are not required to play or compete and are really a convenience item. For players who don't have enough trophies and have already exhausted their entertainment budget for the month they have the ability to save up the trophies they find in the game, convert the gold they find in the game to trophies and at the bank via our partner TrialPay they can take short surveys that are free to do in return for trophies. Between these options you can save up for something you would like in the game (i.e. a vault slot if you so choose) with no out of pocket expense. If you don't want to wait and want it now, then a quick trip to the bank will take care of you.

12-23-2010, 03:12 PM
If your translating trophies to $ it's not quite that simple. If you buy the trophies in bulk, you can easily bring that cost down to under half.

My biased opinion is: making a game like this is probably a couple man years of effort. So support indie game production and donate a few.

12-24-2010, 04:00 PM
I've made a couple of small purchases. :-)

I guess what I'm getting at is this:

1) You start with a single slot, right? Lets say I purchase or find a good item, lets call it item A.
2) I remove it from the vault and equip it to a Gladiator.
3) I gain a new item, item B and it's placed in the vault.
4) I now want to swap them, place item A in the vault, pull out item B.

It won't let you. This is to me, is poor usability. I can understand purchasing more slots if you just want to hold/store more items, etc. But from a game design/usability stand point feels wrong. The net result, I only want to store one item, so a single slot should work for that, but alas it currently does not.

I'm all for making a buck and I truly believe in putting money into games that I spend time playing (I work in video/computer game industry so I totally understand). I get that if I purchased in bulk but I'm still new to the game, I have no idea how much I want to commit to it yet. I'm enjoying the ride so far and I continue to do so I'll most likely end up spending more, but will see ;-) I'm a game-a-holic and have lots of things to play and check out.

Team Kaos
12-25-2010, 07:06 AM
Just equip the vault item, and the current item being worn will be removed and placed in the vault where the item you just equipped your gladiator with was, or it will return to the armory.
Sometimes it is nessessary to juggle a few items with multiple gladiators (if you have them) to equip your gladiator the way you want with limited slots.

12-26-2010, 03:36 PM
Yes, if you "Equip" the vaulted item, that slot will open up. If the vault is full, and you select "Un-Equip" on the item your gladiator is using, you will get the message that your vault is full.

04-06-2014, 03:52 PM
Nate, in your post you mention converting gold found in game to trophies. I see this is from 2010; is this something I can still do, and if so how?

04-06-2014, 09:46 PM
Nate, in your post you mention converting gold found in game to trophies. I see this is from 2010; is this something I can still do, and if so how?

Wow, you were digging deep in the archives I see! :)

Converting gold to trophies is no longer in the game, that was an ability from when the game was much slower and limited. The game and the economy have changed A LOT. Now there are many ways to earn and win trophies in the game.

Good luck in the Pit!
