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View Full Version : Buyback?

Lord Aeneus
08-26-2011, 09:15 AM
There really needs to be a buyback feature in this.. i went to sell my chestpiece and while i had my cursor hovering the chestpiece my back leg armor came up and i didnt even notice, guess what!!! i sold the damn thing... if there were a buyback this wouldnt have been a big deal, but there isnt.. at least none that ive seen?!

08-26-2011, 09:31 AM
Ive had somethign similiar but with skills i decreased a level 9 skill by accident instead of increasing it that costs some jewels...xD
But yea a buyback would be nice to have ^^

Also you could try what i do: first buy equipment, equip it to your glad, sell the things in your vault
That way there is no way you can sell them by accident

Lord Aeneus
08-26-2011, 09:51 AM
Haha yea thats usually what i do, but i needed to sell my current chestpiece in order to be able to afford the new one, and thats when i accidently sold the leg piece! Its really not that "big" of a deal, but i definitely would like to have my 1000 gold green legging back xD!