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View Full Version : Pit of War in general

08-16-2011, 01:12 PM
I see that making a game is hard. The main focus keeping all happy and keeping the game balanced and fun for all.

A few issues.....

Just two?

~~If we use a axe should we slash or bash bcoz is it considered a mace or axe in game ?
I~~~ Including 2 headed weapons blades slash ofc but again axes ??? Slash bash ???
There should be a in-game spec. for the weapons and whether they slash bash or lunge along with there type.


I see no known issue with them in general but here and there I see some things.

Nothing at all they do exactly what they are suppose to kill and do damage

Again nothing more either a full tank or "off-tank" if you are unfamiliar with the term i'll make a list at the bottom


1 issue here.......

Why should my glad be demolishing a theatrics glad (I mean to the point that i have it won by round 1) and he be able to "Get lucky" and knock me out!?!?! I know that this doesn't happen a lot BUT! when it does it kind of makes me snarl because both glads were fighting a well fought fight and then bam KO !? most of the time I am like WTF?!?!?!? (examples) That rage glad was eating the theatrics alive and then the theatrics just knocks the rage out..... ? uh......that kinda seems unfair to the Rage glad dontcha think ? He kinda just got cheated out of a win.
~I have no idea why this is in the game or why this would be only for theatrics glads because to be honest most offensive theatrics use blades and small clubs I think a rage glad has 10000000 times the chance to hit you and KO you with a massive wyrmbone maul. I'm not saying give the rage glad the KO skill. But plz revise it or remove it from the game it's kind of a killjoy to see your glad hitting amazing hits just to be Ko'd. I am aware it doesn't happen often but I think there are a million other skills that theatrics could have over knockout. Although I have no suggestions on such a skill...I'm sure the players do ? (Please help out here and post thoughts on this)
Usually there are two kinds of sides to this. One complaining it doesn't knockout enough and another saying it's bad enough as is...

Thanks for taking the time to read my thread :3 Hope I can make a difference. :D

Team Kaos
08-16-2011, 02:31 PM

1 issue here.......

Why should my glad be demolishing a theatrics glad (I mean to the point that i have it won by round 1) and he be able to "Get lucky" and knock me out!?!?! I know that this doesn't happen a lot BUT! when it does it kind of makes me snarl because both glads were fighting a well fought fight and then bam KO !? most of the time I am like WTF?!?!?!? (examples) That rage glad was eating the theatrics alive and then the theatrics just knocks the rage out..... ? uh......that kinda seems unfair to the Rage glad dontcha think ? He kinda just got cheated out of a win.
~I have no idea why this is in the game or why this would be only for theatrics glads because to be honest most offensive theatrics use blades and small clubs I think a rage glad has 10000000 times the chance to hit you and KO you with a massive wyrmbone maul. I'm not saying give the rage glad the KO skill. But plz revise it or remove it from the game it's kind of a killjoy to see your glad hitting amazing hits just to be Ko'd. I am aware it doesn't happen often but I think there are a million other skills that theatrics could have over knockout. Although I have no suggestions on such a skill...I'm sure the players do ? (Please help out here and post thoughts on this)
Usually there are two kinds of sides to this. One complaining it doesn't knockout enough and another saying it's bad enough as is...

How about a tradeoff....get rid of knockout for theatrics and Rages can lose those 400+ Rampage hits...or ridiculous Last Stand attacks..take a pick, without those I'm sure a Rage would probably never win at the high end of the game.

That's why they are called skills...knockout is a skill...just as knocking 1/2 the health out of a gladiator in 1 hit is (sorta).

I don't think you really want to go up this road....

08-16-2011, 04:00 PM
Just two?

Just two what?

~~If we use a axe should we slash or bash bcoz is it considered a mace or axe in game ?

Bash, that is how you would use an axe in real life. Axes are a bashing tool, but when you put a blade on it we say "chopping" instead. Slashing with an axe would be a waste of all that centralized weight in the head of the weapon. Bring it crashing down on your opponent and smash, tear and rip their flesh and bone!

I~~~ Including 2 headed weapons blades slash ofc but again axes ??? Slash bash ???
There should be a in-game spec. for the weapons and whether they slash bash or lunge along with there type.

All these questions can be answered if you ask yourself how you would use it if it were in your hands. If it has a long blade, then slash with it or lunge with it. If you think you might instead use it like a baseball bat, then bash with it. Arguably you could probably swing a 2h sword like a baseball bat but the vast majority of the time you would want to bring that nice long cutting surface into play and slash with it.


It's really not as big of a deal as you think it is.

Thanks for taking the time to read my thread :3 Hope I can make a difference.

You're welcome! :)

08-16-2011, 04:16 PM
I see the point there yet for the knockout trade off I was thinking something like they get more hits per round. As is theatrics do what they are suppose have flashy moves, play to crowd and such. They are suppose to be fast and hit a lot the "dps" kind of guy. He's the guy that compared to all else will do the most damage per round over the duration of the fight.Their con is they cannot hit as hard as rage and cannot have heavy armor. Rage is the "burst" if you let him go to long there's a chance he'll drop you in 1-3 hits with ease, his con is he has the worst armor for defense therefore he can't take to many hits with the exception of last stand which seems to somewhat fix this con. War the tank or off tank. He sits there and takes damage while dishing it (nothing close to rage's output) he wants you to do as little to him as possible so he can either trigger offence or out last you. War's con is they can't hit as hard as Rage and aren't as fast as theatrics. Rock Paper Scissors ? Idk There is a lot to be done b4 the game is 100% satisfaction across the board. Prolly need some skilled code writers or art designers to help. I'd prolly be nice for Nate