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View Full Version : Feeling like gold is becoming worthless

05-10-2011, 06:37 AM
I'm making way more gold than I can spend. All gold based upgrades have been purchased, so the only thing I can spend gold on now is greens, repairs, temple and black market. Most of these are purely maintenance based. Gold can no longer add anything to my gameplay.

Anyone else notice this issue?

05-10-2011, 09:41 AM
I'm making way more gold than I can spend. All gold based upgrades have been purchased, so the only thing I can spend gold on now is greens, repairs, temple and black market. Most of these are purely maintenance based. Gold can no longer add anything to my gameplay.

Anyone else notice this issue?
I will disagree, I usually have around 90k on hand with both my stables, but it can drop fast due to getting jacked by Jimmy the Squid or having to repair a bunch of Epic level items in one day along with healing bad injuries. And anyone that runs a few Rage glads knows that you are healing them constantly due to their worthless armor. So I have had my stables lose 40k in one day so gold definetly has its value.

05-10-2011, 11:16 AM
First off, I would disagree that if you have 90k on hand a 40k maintenance fee is rough. But that's not really the point.

The point is this: if this game had no gold and no maintenance fees it would play the exact same. Gold has no impact on the game once you buy all upgrades. This it has no purpose at the moment.

05-10-2011, 11:46 AM
Gold is valuable in the game. For those who do not have or will not spend money for throphies in the game. Being able to up grade my greens and get the occasional blue or purple item from turning in gold for the trophieshelps to keep my guys in the champs at least competative. The gold in the game lets us without a lot of cash to play. Take gold out of the game and it becomes a play to play game.

05-10-2011, 11:47 AM
150 gold per day is chump change. I'll change my phrasing of the above statement:

if this game had no gold and no maintenance fees, and if it gave you 1 free trophy per day it would play the exact same. Gold has no impact on the game once you buy all upgrades. This it has no purpose at the moment.

05-10-2011, 01:17 PM
running 3 rage glads and 2 theatrics, i'm finding that i dont manage to accumulate much gold as it's always going into healing and resurrections. sucks when i can only afford to heal 1-2 injuries out of 6. hardly ever have enough kudos to upgrade armor either :(

05-10-2011, 01:34 PM
I also never have any cash. The temple runs a pretty good business of keeping me poor and my slaves not quite fighting shape. That last physician upgrade must be worth something.

05-10-2011, 01:46 PM
150 gold per day is chump change. I'll change my phrasing of the above statement:

if this game had no gold and no maintenance fees, and if it gave you 1 free trophy per day it would play the exact same. Gold has no impact on the game once you buy all upgrades. This it has no purpose at the moment.

That's a very bold and authoritative statement from someone who's been playing the game for about a month. drachir379 and crow have my vote for the reasons they gave and more. Gold is useful and gets more useful the higher level you get, but don't take my word for it, wait a bit and see if you're still singing the same tune or if all the other mangers with numerous fights under their belts are correct.

Since you seem to appear very confident in your above statement how would you go about changing things so gold isn't "worthless" in your expert opinion?

05-10-2011, 02:13 PM
Perhaps maitenance fees increase faster than gold gain increases. I'm still not sure that gold serving a maintenance only purpose makes gold particularly interesting.

I'd love to see blues and purples purchasable from the chamber of power directly with gold, albeit at a very high markup.

05-10-2011, 02:52 PM
Perhaps maitenance fees increase faster than gold gain increases. I'm still not sure that gold serving a maintenance only purpose makes gold particularly interesting.

Don't worry, you'll get your wish the higher level you get and the better quality items you equip.

I'd love to see blues and purples purchasable from the chamber of power directly with gold, albeit at a very high markup.

Ok, as I suspected, the title of this thread should really be "I want to buy COP items for gold only". Similar ideas have been beaten to death in numerous other threads already, so I'll leave you with this and call it a day. In the time I've played, the blacksmith has had all sorts of sales, very recently one of them allowed managers to buy COP items for gold only so in time I'm sure you'll get your wish again. I'm not privy to the game's balance sheet, but I'm sure the economics of free-to-play games are such that there must be a cash shop and there must be a reason for it otherwise players wouldn't spend money supporting the game and then the devs wouldn't eat leading to the game closing shortly thereafter. In order to offer gold only items in the COP and still make sure enough of them are purchased with real money the gold only price would have to be high enough that paying players don't use that option very often which would then lead to free players being priced out of the market or it taking so long they are grumpy about it. Those chump change free trophies you mentioned that you get everyday start to add up and allow the free player to purchase items from the COP albeit probably not as fast or as often as they would like, but that is probably the point. Most everything in this game that costs trophies is a time vs money trade-off which I think is a pretty good mechanic.

05-10-2011, 03:51 PM
Ok, as I suspected, the title of this thread should really be "I want to buy COP items for gold only".

No, it shouldn't have. Snideness doesn't suit you.

I'm not privy to the game's balance sheet, but I'm sure the economics of free-to-play games are such that there must be a cash shop and there must be a reason for it otherwise players wouldn't spend money supporting the game and then the devs wouldn't eat leading to the game closing shortly thereafter. In order to offer gold only items in the COP and still make sure enough of them are purchased with real money the gold only price would have to be high enough that paying players don't use that option very often which would then lead to free players being priced out of the market or it taking so long they are grumpy about it.

First off, to clarify, I'm not one of those "free players." I'm also well aware of the FTP market, and its trends. I'm not suggesting that buying trophies stops giving a noticable benefit. The item markup could be set high enough to ensure that's not the case. Perhaps the COP items for gold only was priced too low?

My point is simply that there is no reason to get excited about getting a lot of gold in this game, and there's very little interesting decisions to make. For instance, if gold is maintenance only, you don't have to decide whom to equip, or if its better to heal a wound or save up for items. I imagine this is especially true for those who don't pay and can't have more than a few purps for their stable. It's an area that should be looked into improving. The suggestion the allow blues and purples to be purchased for heavily inflated prices is a possible way. I'm sure there could be others as well. Perhaps temporary bonuses for spent gold?

Those chump change free trophies you mentioned that you get everyday start to add up and allow the free player to purchase items from the COP albeit probably not as fast or as often as they would like, but that is probably the point. Most everything in this game that costs trophies is a time vs money trade-off which I think is a pretty good mechanic.

Trophies are not the issue. That mechanic is fine. It will need to be kept in balance so they are still valuable, of course. But right now gold is boring, even if it eventually begins to regain some of its value due to spiking maintenance fees.

Fio Bellum
05-10-2011, 05:49 PM
I have to agree with crow & Dainoji in the last two days alone i have burnt 30k just in repairing res'ing etc at higher levels the prices far outway what you earn in a day so gold has a lot of relevance. It may not seem that way currently, but as the game is still developing you never know what else nate will implement in the future to make you feel it has more play in game.

death prince
05-11-2011, 09:59 AM
sad to say... i cannot even afford 1 trip to the temple to heal the injuries of my gladiator...

05-11-2011, 11:32 AM
to me gold is the most scarce commodity. i barly earn enough gold to maitain my armor. if i need to ressurect a gladiator that offset that ballance, and i need to wait to repair his armor. i do not have enough gold to heal wounds, i dont have enough gold to spend throphies in the chamber of power, i dont dare to fight the arena challenges atm because i dont got the gold to fix the extra armor damage. I got 4 gladiators stuck on byrd of prey and 1 stuck on trunks. ive lost countless amounts of gold in armor repair and ressurection fees trying to beat those.

05-12-2011, 01:30 PM
As the game evolves there will be more and more places to find and use gold. If only I had 10 of me, then it would all be ready tomorrow! :)


Team Kaos
05-12-2011, 04:53 PM
If only I had 10 of me, then it would all be ready tomorrow! So what your saying is in 10 days everything will be up and running?
I'm holding you to it Nate......