View Full Version : Customized text

02-26-2017, 02:27 PM
Picking up on an old idea:

It would be cool if we could write our own customized text for each glad like so:
1) Gladiator entrance text
2) Victory text
3) Loss text
4) Customized criticals text

That would give each glad so much more personality...

I know the main hindrance to this idea is the potential for abuse - and people writing profane things.

So - I suggest just making this a turn on/off feature for each stable. If a manager abuses it, then Nate just turns the feature off for that stable for a time...or forever.

If you like this idea, chime in and let Nate know

02-26-2017, 03:14 PM
That would be so good. Maybe a level based unlock system. Like at level 10 you get your entrance text unlocked, at level 20 your victory text and so on. All my glads start around level 10 to show their "character" and about level 30 you see the potential natural kill ratio of that glad, so a kill text unlock at level 30 would be appropriate.

With that system the customized text would come naturally and would solve the problem with new managers glads abusing the custom option. but a on/off for each stable is a safer way.

An other idea would be Nate gives us text pieces which provides a divers customization without the need of blocking someone for bad "taste".

Just J
02-27-2017, 06:49 AM
I agree! The more customiZation the better! That would be sooo cool!

02-27-2017, 09:08 AM
To avoid an abuse, these texts could be per-installed , but with a dependency on the "Title" of the gladiator.