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View Full Version : Just gotta ask..Deep Hurting

Team Kaos
04-27-2011, 07:53 PM
What's with the new gladiators recycling old gear and set up the exact same way only to be sold and replaced by another of the same design that runs up the ladder to elite only to be replaced again..over and over?

Is there a point to it? Because I'm not seeing it if there is one?

04-27-2011, 11:49 PM
trophies and boosting his stable ranking

Team Kaos
04-28-2011, 05:52 AM
I guess the stable boosting makes sense, albeit cheesy. But the trophies? How many more can you add through arena challenges when you win only 1 or 2 at a time at the lower levels opposed to gaining 5 higher up?
Maybe it works..he seems do it often..so maybe it does bring good returns.

04-28-2011, 01:19 PM
Why do anything? Can I pick all of the above and then some? While you are reading through this and start contemplating suicide when the rambling gets to you, remember you brought it upon yourself.

Part of the reason I started them in the first place was to curb spending. A certain whiny manager who shall not be named did make me realize I had spent too much on virtual gladiators. It became too easy to do to just log into Paypal and drop $20 here or there. Plus I knew I had an upcoming large expense...though considering how my new puppy likes to destroy the house, maybe I should have stuck with the virtual warriors. Her first victim, my Logitech remote would have paid for a lot of trophies....

While they don't earn a heck of a lot of trophies those guys DO keep me from NEEDING a heck of a lot of trophies. After the initial expense of getting gear for them and the inventory slots to hold it I haven't had to spend a dime on any of the Recyclers. This keeps me from buying trophies very often. Having to gear up Postal Rage was one of the large reasons for his demise. So nowadays I rarely have to buy trophies. I can just juggle equipment, axe guys as needed, and buy the occasional piece of gear for BB2.

I name them that way to make no secret of it. If they don't have a Recycler name I at least created them with the intent of keeping them around a while. That said I reserve the right to kill off any of my guys at will if they piss me off or otherwise irritate me. Or it's a Tuesday. Or my invisible friend tells me to. ESPECIALLY if he tells me to. He has an invisible shotgun.

For the record only one of them has been sold as an elite and he was 8th ranked at the time. That would be Recycler A. Recyclers B and C were both Juggernauts when they were sold off. This usually nets me a few additional trophies for the pile. Though their expiration dates are more tied to levels than rank in my mind. I have a good stockpile of gear up to level 15ish (Now anyway. When I started it was all level 1. Then I added 5. And so on.) if I don't let everyone bunch up too much. Something I've been having an issue with of late. Beyond that I'm not gonna spend the trophies to have a pile of higher level stuff and slots to hold it. At least not right now. In the future, who knows. I've been saving some of BB2's old gear as he moves along so I might get enough to let them go further. My non-Recyclers can also share in the gear, but get special treatment like first pick of whatever I have lying around. I still haven't decided how much I want to spend on them. They do not get the skill/stat bumps BB2 did early in his life. That could change if I find the perfect roll-up.

I also enjoy having guys at multiple levels. It was just the same fights over and over again when they were all bunched at the top. I expect with further additions to the game it may pay off to have guys at multiple levels as well.

Does it help the record? Sure, though more and more I find myself fighting tough warriors at low levels. That said it's always fun to be the first to give Warrior X who's YZ-0 his first loss. Doubly so if it's a kill. *evil grin*

There's nothing secret about them. If they bother anyone, that manager can feel free to avoid them. I almost never make challenges with ANY of my guys let alone the Recyclers. Nobody can complain I pick on them. I'm the guy who used to run a Duelmasters team called Training Wheels where (With the company's permission) I would scan and post EVERY SINGLE FIGHT to a website I maintained just so new players could get a feel for the game which has a notoriously high learning curve for new players.

It is nice to really see the differences stats make too. If you run a guy with the same strategy with the same equipment, but different stats it is very informative. In the future I plan to experiment with some of those occasional freaks in the market who have one huge stat to the detriment of others just to see what happens. I really wish I'd tried out that HUGE guy I saw a while back but sadly I didn't.

Finally, I enjoy it. It keeps me interested and involves a lot of maintenance which I don't mind. If I fell into just clicking the button a few times every day I might lose interest like so many other web-games I have tried.

That about cover it?

Team Kaos
04-28-2011, 01:52 PM
I think you just broke a record with that post....not sure what record...but you broke it. No doubt!

You know..I do miss that
certain whiny manager who shall not be named did make me realize I had spent too much on virtual gladiators now that you mentioned him.

Although he was whiny like a little sister he did stay active in the forum.