View Full Version : Arena-Bug?

06-19-2016, 03:07 AM
Just happened to me; I(That is: My glad Marly Diettrich, lvl4) got challenged 9 times in the timespan of less than 10 minutes by the same glad(Kerxes).Apparently he spent quite some Trophies on it, otherwise I can't see how he managed that amount of fights.
He went from lvl 1 to 6 in that row.
Not his doing, since this is still in the "Fresh Meat" stadium of the game, hence these fights were Arena-issued.
I don't think this should ever happen; It's not like my glad was the only one available.
Yes; There's a bit of spite, seeing my record going from 100% to 50% in that batch, but that doesn't take away from the fact that this should NEVER be possible.

Team Kaos
06-20-2016, 08:01 PM
It is most likely a brand new account being set up by the Kerxes owner. New accounts get a training tutorial and get a whole bunch of bonus fight tokens on the initial creation of a gladiator.

06-20-2016, 10:06 PM
Right; forgot about those bonus-tokens for fresh stables.
But still: The first 9 fights in a row against the same glad?!?...
That's wrong.