View Full Version : Ideas for Conquests

04-23-2016, 08:23 PM
What do you guys think of a Conquest that requires all managers to work together to defeat? And if we defeat one level, we all get a bonus and the manager who defeated the last boss first gets a special bonus item or rank reward or customization prize or something. After defeating that level, we unlock the next level and so on...sort of like all of us against the dungeon master Nate.

04-24-2016, 03:00 AM
For me it sounds great. Group work always fun.

In general, it is possible to create even turn-based multi-player "mini"-game where players are waiting for turns for hours . (Example: https://www.playconclave.com )

Unfortunately, the gladiators in the PoW is not very suited for use as the "adventurers".
Therefore, the main question: "How to organize a group work for them?" In other words, What they will do with their "turns"?
I think, it's a hard question ...

Not to mention the resources, such as time to develop...