View Full Version : Encumberance

Just J
01-11-2016, 03:10 PM
Does it matter the % encumberance? or just the colour. For example, RogueRouge can wear fullplate and be 63% encumbered or plate and 58%. Zone orange for both.

01-11-2016, 09:36 PM
Encumbrance has many effects on your glad's fighting ability. And at least to my experience, the percentage does seem to matter...though some disagree about this. But I feel that glads at 26% encumbrance seem to have minimal effects from encumbrance, but at 33% or so it is a lot more noticeable...even though both are in the yellow zone.

Encumbrance plays a role in:
How fast you use endurance
Your glads initiative and how many attacks they get a round
Your glads speed to the first strike
How much endurance each attack attempt uses up
Seems to effect how effective you are in your attacks too
Seems to effect defensive effectiveness too
Ability to get up if knocked down

So in my experience, minimizing encumbrance vastly improves a glads fighting effectiveness.

That said, if you are building a Tanking War...don't worry about encumbrance. But every other build...it may be the difference between a tough, gritty glad and a punching bag.

Just J
01-12-2016, 02:29 AM
Thanks you! With my blademaster, I was having the hardest time with strategy, so i decided now to go with Tank, and it's working good... so i will not care about encumberance, and just outlast them! Thank you!

01-12-2016, 02:58 AM
There are many random events/actions in the game.
For example, when a round started, the game needs to calculate initiative of gladiators.
To do this the game doing something like that (for both gladiators):

-- Drop a dice. // It's perhaps not the 6-sided dice, but 20-sided or more.
-- Add initiative bonus/penalty from the race;
-- Add total initiative bonus/penalty from skills;
-- Add initiative bonus/penalty from the current fighting style;
-- Add total initiative penalty from equipment;
-- Add initiative penalty from encumbrance;
-- Add total initiative bonus/penalty from gladiator's condition (i.e. current health, current endurance, current effects).

The gladiator with a greatest result will win this small duel.

// There is also luck bonus. But if we have a good realization of the Luck stat (i hope, its true), this bonus is contained in every dice drop. For example, a gladiator with a high Luck never get less than 2 from any dice. Or something like this.

You see now:
-- The game needs to know not the color, but encumbrance as a number;
-- Encumbrance is just some part of total result;
-- Every gladiator may win initiative checks from time to time even if he has some red encumbrance.

Good Luck ;)

Just J
01-12-2016, 07:49 AM
Thank you for this advice:) and what is your stable? Do you wish to be a friend? I am JvM stable.

01-12-2016, 10:14 AM
My stable is Out Dare. I don't know what i meant by it. Anyway...

To be a friend... Ok. I'm at least not an enemy for You. And for everyone else at this forum.
But i have some troubles to be a friend in the game: You know... My gladiators are stupid a little, they starts to use their skills against everyone they see. Have You this problem too?

01-13-2016, 01:56 AM
In my experiance % matters specialy when above 50%. I think the way encumberance grades (green,yellow,orange..) penalise the gladiator is that make % more noticable in the overal calculations (the grades change the equasion to be more penalising, and also the imput gets bigger). In green I don't see too much difference from 15-25% but I can see difference from 26%-50% (specialy on my two-hander war). I remember when my glad was well over 50% and reducing weight a bit made a difference, like 3-4% (though it was long ago and it might be just bias and low sample size).

01-13-2016, 10:41 PM
Encumbrance matters the most in the initiative fights where the sequence in which the gladiators act should be determined. The weapon used also plays a big role there however so a heavily encumbered gladiator with light weapons may (and usually will) outrun a lightly encumbered one with heavy weapons. When the opponents are otherwise close in terms of weapon and style used, it becomes really important who has less weight to deal with - the fights between Rages for instance are normally won by whoever acts first.