View Full Version : blood games invite bug?

03-11-2015, 01:13 AM
I've noticed that the last two blood games invitations seem to have been based on the top 32 glads after 1 fight of the new week rather than after the 14 fights of the previous week (in the blood gods bracket). For instance, Seraph Zodak was top 5 at the end of last weeks overall rankings but he didn't get invited to the blood games. He happened to lose the first fight of the new week and that seems to have disqualified him from the blood games. Is this the way it is supposed to work? Or were the top 32 of the previous week supposed to be rewarded with an invitation to the blood games?

03-11-2015, 01:47 AM
That looks to be a bug from introducing the two fights per day in the Blood Gods bracket. The top 32 from the weekly rankings are meant to get the invite. I've manually changed the invites this week to be the current top 32 from the overall rankings since the weekly rankings have already been reset and I don't know what they were. I'll correct this before next week's Blood Games begin so it won't happen again.

Good luck in the Pit!


03-11-2015, 10:27 AM
Yay, Belca can participate now! :D

03-18-2015, 01:53 AM
That didn't go quite as planned. Looks like the invites are correct now, however, the first fight of the week in the blood gods bracket got cleared out. Adding that second fight per day has proven to be full of surprises. I'll look into this again and see what happened there. The cleared out fights will still count towards the overall rankings, however, this week's weekly rankings will have one less fight due to the fact it was cleared out. Sorry for the trouble.

Good luck in the Pit!


03-24-2015, 08:34 PM
Adding a second fight per day has turned out to be more involved than anticipated. :) In order to get Seasons lined up with the Blood Games and have two fights per week there are going to be a few changes:

* The START of each Season's week will be Wed. at 2pm PST.
* The END will be Wed. at 2am PST the following week. End of week awards and such will be awarded at this time and this is also when promotions into the Blood Gods bracket will happen.
* The last week of the Season will be one fight shorter than the other weeks in order to still have 24hrs between Seasons. 13 fights instead of 14.

Because the end of the week has already occurred using the old system tonight's Season fight will be skipped. The next fight will be 25 March at 2pm PST.

Good luck in the Pit!
