View Full Version : new schedule for blood games

02-23-2015, 08:47 AM
I would like to suggest that blood games are delayed 6 hours so were not forced to fight in blood gods with strats meant for your next blood games opponent and not your next random opponent in blood gods.

02-24-2015, 01:25 AM
I also suggested this to Nate and was told that for now things will remain as is - though this change might be implemented in the future.

02-24-2015, 01:29 AM
I'd also like to suggest that there be a permanent ranking of glads in the Blood Games who have won the most tournaments. Something that tracks 1st, 2nd and 3rd place finishes so we can see who are the glads to beat in that arena too. Maybe the tourney's top 50 active glads can be recognized this way? 1st place is worth 3 rating points, 2nd place worth 2, and 3rd place worth 1.

While I'm at it, why not add a recognition board for blood gods arena too - something that recognizes blood gods commanders and high commanders and ranks them according to how many times they've been thus honored.