View Full Version : 50 woot! But...

02-11-2015, 03:30 PM
Hello glads!

Not long ago I hit level 50 with 3 of my gladiators, witch was one hell of a ride getting here! :)
But after getting into the higher ranking/brackets, I''m starting to experience more bloodshed and pain on my glads and other glads. While also, selling and buying new gladiators to think of better ways to get a good one going (witch I have 2 going pretty welll!)

I notice once hitting level 50, it's not a fast paste road no more. It's VERY slow road, lol. So with experienced players here and players who have had maxed level gladiators... How long will it take from 50-55 for a new blood to the game? (or new-ish) I've barely got half way with Gimlask, and been a week or 2 now since she hit level 50?

Not that I wont to rush to 55, but I was just curious on how long now? From leveling 1-50 it's been quite a breeze and fun! But now 50+ has come along, it's a wonder how long it will truly take to getting to 55?

I am one for hitting max levels ASAP and enjoying the "end game". :)

PS: I've sort of posted in the wrong section, was reading some posts here and was meant to post this in General. :) My bad..

Kind Regards

02-11-2015, 05:34 PM
Hi and congratz for getting that far!

If they are your normal glads, I would advise you to retire them 1 by 1, and get HoL slaves which are way more stronger and then try to reach lvl 55 with them. :)


02-12-2015, 02:36 AM
It takes a while to go from lvl50 to lvl 55. That will change a bit once more fights are introduced into the Blood Gods though :)