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01-07-2015, 02:25 PM

Been playing for a bit now and 4 gladiators that are doing great! :)
But after a while, notice some fights, I see people with mixed armor for Theatrics & War. So I'd like to ask 2 questions for this.

1.) As Gimlisk is a tank Gladiator, should I keep to full Heavy armor? I'm seeing his wear in the Orange. And from what I read, you should keep glad under 50%? But as a tank, you should be wearing heavy armor for less damage? Should I mix his armor with Heavy & Medium? So he doesn't die out from exhaust fast?

2.) My other gladiators War & another Theatrics. My Theatrics is wearing full Medium, but afraid to wear/buy any more armor/weapons because the wear % keeps going up and that's meant to be bad. He's more of the fighter with Sword & Shield. (I've got Armour movement up 5+) Should I get some Light to keep balance and to have new gear?

While my War is wearing mostly Light and 2 pieces of heavy, I'm not sure weather to keep to it like that or change? Is mixed armor good idea or bad? His % is great but I don't want to risk making it high with armor that's going to affect him in fights.

So what should I do? Getting a bit worried about the weight % and like tips & answers to help me (others) improve gladiators.

Thanks and hope to hear soon!


01-07-2015, 04:23 PM
I'm assuming your gladiators are around level 30 so here's my advice based off that.

The mixed armour is for offensive wars who want to stay as agile as possible, but still have some protection. If they were in full heavy their endurance would burn like crazy, and they would suffer from the penalties associated with that. If you are tanking, keeping the full heavy isnt bad because you're not moving or attacking as much, so endurance isnt used as fast. If you're still concerned, try a mix of Heavy and medium. Dont bother with light imo. BTW, the tank strategy with low bloodlust doesnt use endurance much at all tbh.

As for your theatrics, try and keep him under 30%. a mix of light and medium is fine, but I recommend using medium for head and torso at the very least.

01-07-2015, 10:28 PM
In general, avoid Light armour on Wars. Usually it's better for Wars to be encumbered but resist a lot of damage than to be light but get hit like Rages. The class doesn't have fighting styles or skills which allow the high mobility to be exploited very well, unlike Rage and Theatrics. There have been some attempts for lightly armoured Wars over the years but none of them was very successful. I was intending to try an Armoured Fortress in Light armour some time ago but ultimately decided that it will probably be a waste of barrack slot.

Counter-attacking Theatrics aren't very impacted by encumbrance so you can equip one in full Medium without risking much. Speed bleeders can mix Light and Medium to remain more mobile but full Medium is also an option if the gladiator isn't too small.

As a whole, don't be afraid to put some weight on your fighter, with the right strategies many of the negatives can be overcome.

01-08-2015, 07:38 AM

Thanks both for answers. I will keep Gimlisk to what he is now. Rest, I will try and see what I can make off.
But as for the Passive "Armour Movement", how does it work exactly? Every time I get it leveled up, I don't see any differences or changes? How do I know this is making any affect onto my gladiators?

Just like an answer for this and should be fine till I level more on my glads. I really appreciate the help from everyone. :)



01-08-2015, 08:36 AM
Agree with Apoc and Kreegan. I tend to go for full medium on theatrics - even on speed builds. So long as encumbrance bar remains green, there are no/minimal effects on combat ability. As for wars, instead of mixing light and heavy, just go with medium armor all around and a few heavy pieces if you can handle them (especially on the head).
As for your tank, I don't mind running mine at 50% encumbrance, but the added encumbrance does cause them to tire faster. Stack the stamina and it shouldn't be much of a problem.

As for armor movement - it definitely helps with initiative and armor block rate. I wouldn't be surprised if it also helped in getting up off the ground. It's effects are subtle, but significant. For a war glad, it is a good skill. Offensively, it gives you more initiative for more attacks. Defensively, it increases armor blocking rate. What's not to like?

01-09-2015, 03:29 PM
Some great advice from the above posters. Also keep in mind that the encumbrance effects can be somewhat managed with Light as a Feather once you get it, if you're going that route.

01-10-2015, 10:16 AM
Some great advice from the above posters. Also keep in mind that the encumbrance effects can be somewhat managed with Light as a Feather once you get it, if you're going that route.

Did not notice this one, thanks! Yes, I am having a little struggle again with fighting strategy, but will get my tanking glad back on track. :) Think mostly it's the weight but we shall see once I can get my hands on Light as a Feather.
