View Full Version : Blacksmith's Refresh

10-08-2014, 02:27 AM
My lvl 20 glad refreshed the list the 2nd time, using 20 trophies, but the list went empty

waited for a long time, remained so. Switching glad, the list reverted to the previous one (1st refresh) :( (but the trophies were deducted)

In the past this also happened several times, but this is the first time I report it

10-10-2014, 07:09 AM
it happened again to my new HoL slave at lvl 5, the 3rd one yielded empty list

10-12-2014, 01:54 PM
I'm unable to reproduce this. Do you have a slow internet connection?

Has anyone else experienced this?

Good luck in the Pit!


10-12-2014, 10:13 PM
I had the same problem, but when I reloaded, the trophies were still there and I could just do it another time, where it then worked without any problems.

10-12-2014, 11:26 PM
You might want to take a screenshot the next time. Also, move your cursor to the item slots in the Blacksmith to make sure that they are really not there - the images are loaded after most of the screen but the "content" is available.

10-13-2014, 01:04 AM
not particularly slow, I'll take screenshot next time

10-15-2014, 04:25 AM
I have also encountered this issue, it is usually when I change the search parameters on my 2nd glad's buying (not my first buyer who gets a free refresh).
What ends up happening is, say I change the level for a piece of gear from 35 to 36, then click refresh, the trophy price stays at 0, the blacksmith slots go blank and my trophy count doesn't change, I then go to another tab, back to the blacksmith and then (and only then) can I successfully refresh the blacksmith (fickle creature that he is). Hasn't been too much of a hassle, just have to go to arena or any other tab, then back to the blacksmith and usually then all my refreshes work as intended.

I'll get a screencap the next time I encounter this, to perhaps give Nate s'more insight on how/why it is occurring.

10-16-2014, 05:57 PM
I just had this happen when getting gear for Bruce Willis [Note: He does not actually have any gear equipped]

I bought a 2H weapon from the front counter, then went to refresh to see chest pieces, and nothing appeared. I went to the CoP, and then back to front counter, and I had the original set of 2H weapons, minus the one I bought. Trophies were deducted.


EDIT: I had this happen again after buying a chest piece and trying to refresh for leg pieces [99T]. It would appear that [for me at least] the issue occurs after an item has been bought.

EDIT 2: when i left the blacksmith and came back, refreshes for a different type of gear worked properly

10-17-2014, 01:13 AM
^ yup, mine just like that, it happened on the 3rd refresh of the same glad

10-17-2014, 12:04 PM
Likewise, similar to what happened to you Apoc, but so far I have been lucky and have only used the 0 trophies refresh, therefore I haven't lost any due to this error

10-20-2014, 08:58 PM
Please let me know if you still see this happening.

Good luck in the Pit!


11-20-2014, 02:28 AM
Got another bug-like related to blacksmith's refresh

Refreshing the same part 4 times, 3 with free refresh and one with trophies for lvl 50 helm, gave repeated result

the 4th refresh is the same result as the 1st refresh

11-20-2014, 10:57 AM
There is not an infinite supply of items to pull from, so it is possible you will sometimes see the same items. Getting the exact same items on the fourth refresh as you saw on the first would be rare but not impossible. I would make sure you are indeed getting the same EXACT 8 items if you are curious as to whether or not it is a duplicate or just a consequence of chance.

Good luck in the Pit!


11-21-2014, 02:00 AM
yeap, exact 8 items, even the order is the same

oh yeah, on related note, armors with +21 chi/presence showed up frequently, and most of the time fill the entire 2nd pages, wtf....

12-05-2014, 09:08 AM
I don't want to start new topic since this title fits.
I want to give full info, so I'll describe the whole situation.
Went to Blacksmith to see what new gear I might buy for my gladiators. For my first glad, I wanted to change head, and so I refreshed for head, but didn't find one I like, so I switched to other gladiator. I noticed he doesn't have main weapon, so I think to myself; maybe I sold his weapon yesterday and forgot to buy new one. I refreshed the list, and bought him some main weapon. I changed to other glad and decided I want to buy him new arms pieces. I set options right and clicked on refresh, but totally different things appeared. Blades I think showed up(really don't remember), and I was all like, WTF, did I really accidentally changed options? OHHH WELL, I'll look for arms tomorrow, time for next gladiator. I switch, and decide I want new arms for him too. I set all options right and double make sure I don't mess up again, I click on refresh, and OP, head armors appear. Right there I knew I didn't fuk up on my previous search, but it must be bug.
And so I come here with this wall of text. Hope you'll read it, Nate, and look into it.