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View Full Version : Achievements Change

08-04-2014, 08:37 AM
In the near future there will be a change where achievements that your gladiator no longer qualifies for will be removed. This only pertains to the achievements that are earned by having a certain arrangement of skill points (i.e. The Master - Reach 100 skill points) and through untraining a gladiator no longer meets the requirements. Most gladiators won't be affected by this, however, for those of you who were using this as part of your game plan, this is your heads up that it will be changing in the near future.

Good luck in the Pit!


08-04-2014, 09:31 AM
Hmmm...Nate, this poses problems when we are re-training glads from one skillset to another...something that is bound to happen a lot with the new tier 6 skills being introduced. This would put all blood gods warriors testing out that skill in the "no longer qualify" category...

Can an exception be made for warriors who have reached blood gods so that this doesn't discourage experimentation with different builds? Or can the requirement for "the Master" achievement be changed to 99 skills instead of 100 so that truly maxed glads can shift skills around one point at a time?

08-06-2014, 02:51 AM
Doing a respec is not an essential part of the game nor is it required. This change is also just plugging a hole that has been around for a long time since unlearning came on board after the achievement system was put into place. A player can avoid a respec with careful planning or training a new slave, and in the case of new skills being released, a player does not need to change their build. If they want to change their build for whatever reason, Blood Gods have a +200 health achievement that can be used instead of the +250 health achievement while in the process of a respec. If you use both, you have the option of opening up more slots and using other achievements to make up for the loss if it is important to you. Players also can use the untrain and buy options for skills if they want to respec in a much faster manner and skip the time it would take to do it with training points.

Good luck in the Pit!


08-06-2014, 06:13 AM
Below is a list of achievements that will be affected if a gladiator unlearns and no longer meets the requirements. I think I got them all, if I missed any let me know.

The Specialist
The Skills Master
The Master
The Weapon Master
Jack of All Trades
Dual Specialization

Good luck in the Pit!
