View Full Version : Arena Challenges Bug

07-20-2014, 10:24 PM
Hello everyone, I just encountered a very odd bug/glitch in the game, whilst doing my Arena Challenges today, I battled Slavagus (t2) on one of my glads and lost (he counters me hard), but upon returning to the Arena Challenges screen, it said my glad could challenge him for 0 Trophies again, I was confused. So I flipped to my second glad and it said it would cost him 40 trophies to do his first fight of the day (Tiny Avenger -t2) (it is important to note, my second glad hadn't done his daily arena fight). I became more confused, so I went back to my first glad, it still said 0 trophy-cost for challenge, so I gave it another shot (changed my strat slightly, did quite a bit better but still lost, getting there) but the challenge took away 40 trophies! (which is the new refresh cost with the recent update). I want to make it clear, I never use refreshes on arena challenges (my trophies are far too valuable to me, every one of them, and 40 trophies (aka 1 or so in the old format) is a blow to my stable). Upon refreshing the page, my 2nd glad could (and did) fight his first arena challenge for 0 trophies as is the usual, same with my third glad, it was just with my first one on t2 Slavagus that the game display bugged out and said I could challenge a second time for 0 trophies. Thanks for taking the time to read this and I hope to see you all in the pits! (with trophy-count intact!)

07-23-2014, 02:10 PM
This problem persists in the form of after my 1st gladiator finished his arena challenge, all my other glads will display that it costs 40 trophies for them to do their first fight of the day until I refresh the page. I should add that I play in Google Chrome browser and all my Flash players are up-to-date ;)

09-11-2014, 05:22 AM
Maybe you play using multiple tabs, and you switched to other gladiator in another tab, this actually causes all tabs to switch to that gladiator, but until you reload the page it will still show the previous gladiator

That what happened to me, I forgot that i switched gladiator in another tab, and lost trophies as result