View Full Version : Resetting Your Stable

06-27-2014, 01:11 PM
Hello, I have a few questions to ask about "Resetting" your stable. I understand that it: a) puts your stable record to 0-0-0, b) sells all glads and any equip they're wearing, and c) cannot be undone. I wanted to know a few other things about it (considering it for one of my older stables that I messed up atrociously on):

-does it erase any money you've earned? Or do you keep your money?
-if it DOES take away your money, can you deposit it in the bank and keep it from the reset?
-does it remove equipment stored in your vault?
-does it erase stable upgrades or do you keep them?

Thanks for taking the time to read this!

07-03-2014, 05:01 PM
-does it erase any money you've earned? Or do you keep your money? : having tried the reset once as i was not happy with my starting slave, it would appear that yes, you do keep your money, and keep whatever you earned from "selling" your slave because i had much more gold after my reset then i did before it
-if it DOES take away your money, can you deposit it in the bank and keep it from the reset?
-does it remove equipment stored in your vault? yes...yes it does
-does it erase stable upgrades or do you keep them?. it keeps all stable upgrades.

quick note: resetting your stable it will also keep your stable name...this is another reason i tried the reset and was unhappy to find that i was stuck using "deadly beauties" when i had changed my mind after the first few matches.

07-03-2014, 09:30 PM
you will also loose any Hol glads you have in line from the slave market.

07-04-2014, 09:21 AM
Thank you dragonite1992, this was extremely helpful, I appreciate the answer!

07-04-2014, 09:22 AM
Thanks Oedi, I figured as much, luckily the acc in question has no HoL glads, so I'm okay on that front ;)