View Full Version : Blood Games

05-05-2014, 12:27 PM
I suggest that Blood Games should always be opt-in. I had a gladiator put in automatically a few days before he was able to be retired. Now I have to wait an extra 26 days to retire him which is really frustrating.

In my opinion any feature which locks your warrior for such a long period of time should never sign you up automatically.

05-05-2014, 04:10 PM
Ouch sorry to hear that. The upper half of the eligible gladiators get their fee waived and get opted in by default while the other half has to pay a fee of 1000 gold to get in.

Personally im a fan of the joining by default as it means I participate even if i were to forget to check on the last day for this or am unable to come on line for whichever reason but it is rather annoying when you actually planned to retire the gladiator.

05-05-2014, 11:08 PM
This is something which has been requested multiple times over the years. :) It's indeed not very convenient to have to babysit your gladiators at the end of the month if you want to make sure that they won't enter the Blood Games but on the other hand it's not very clear if the tournament will manage to gather more than two dozens or so fighters if everyone has to opt in manually. Pesonally, I'd change the "automatic join" to be only for the Blood Gods bracket (which is the only one that can produce winners in the Blood Games anyway) and everything below will have to opt in manually.

05-06-2014, 01:00 AM
Managers only have themselves to blame if they fight in the BG and don't want to. The message is very clear on what needs to be done to drop out. Sure it is possible you lost track of time and forgot but it's not like you didn't have 30 days to plan ahead. I'm with Prinny, I like that it auto registers my glads. On another note, not everyone shares your extraordinarily narrow view of things Kreegan. There is more than just winning something that can make it fun. We are all very aware of what you personally don't like. Perhaps you should start a thread titled "What is currently wrong with the end game" and lay out all your grievances. Who knows, maybe Nate will even bend over backward to please you. ;)

05-06-2014, 05:58 AM
Nah, changing the game isn't my real aim, it's all about making you appear and re-affirm your participation in my fan club. Works nearly every time. :rolleyes: