View Full Version : Optimize Achievement slot purchases

04-15-2014, 07:27 AM
Hey Nate, any chance you could optimize the achievement slot purchasing system? Currently, if you have an achievement slot slowly dwindling down to its last moments, there is no way to just purchase another 7 days at once (you'd have to buy "add day" seven times). So, often I'm left waiting for the last minutes to expire before I can repurchase the next 7 day package. And sometimes I forget and end up fighting without those boosts for the rest of the day. You veterans know what I'm talking about...

I wonder if you could just have it work like the staff memberships - you can always purchase another champions package even while your previous one is still active. Buying another package just adds more days to your timer. That would give us managers one less thing to needlessly fuss over.


p.s. - If you're worried about what the indicator bar would show in such a case, perhaps just have it show as full if timer is over 7 days...and function as it does now if the timer is below 7 days.

04-15-2014, 05:21 PM
I miss the old days where you could buy 7 days as many as many times as you wanted... i never did understand the change, its just something else to have to keep track of weekly that i used to do once a month (would get buy them 28 days a time) that i now forget to do regularly.

04-15-2014, 07:14 PM
It changed because people were buying a years worth when their glad was level 1 and cheap since the gold cost increases each level. There is already a thread somewhere about this and some suggested to remove the restriction when a glad is level 50.

04-15-2014, 08:06 PM
as dain said, it was removed because you could buy a years worth of achievements at ~100gp a week.

I'd love for the 1 week restriction to go once a glad reaches lvl 50.

04-16-2014, 08:32 AM
Since the achievement slot topic is brought up here, I have an additional question.

4 out of 6 slots need trophies to purchase time. Each slot takes 6 trophies to buy a full week of usage (1 day for free if you buy a week at once). That makes 24 trophies to have access to 4 slots 1 week long.

Are really so much players using all slots with this mode of payment? It seems to me that its way too expensive (at least if you do not want to spend a whole lot of money) compared to other upgrades that can be purchased with trophies (stable upgrades, memberships etc.).

04-16-2014, 08:59 AM
Are really so much players using all slots with this mode of payment? It seems to me that its way too expensive (at least if you do not want to spend a whole lot of money) compared to other upgrades that can be purchased with trophies (stable upgrades, memberships etc.).
Youll only need those 4 achievement slots when you get to Blood Gods, until then youll do fine with the 2 gold slots. Actually I will advise you to only use throphies to speed up game play, and wait with last 4 achievements, auto heal, auto repair until you want to compete at the highest level, but then its a must you cannot compete without. (or atleast I cant :))

04-16-2014, 10:15 AM
I only use the first two achievement slots - for gold...but perhaps that's why most of my glads are perpetually stuck in the mid-level of blood gods...that and my un-optimized gear. But I'm ok with that, so no big deal.