View Full Version : Gauntlet

03-23-2014, 06:54 PM
Just finished my 4th run in row of Nightmare mode and got my 4th standard purple epic item that i can get at the blacksmith. F'ing frustrating. I hate wasting my damn time and resources for items that I can just get at the blacksmith without BGP's. :mad:

03-23-2014, 07:09 PM
Scratch that make it 6 in a row. I'm done with this part of the game for a while. too much in wasted time, trophies and gold to get standard items.

03-24-2014, 05:27 AM
Not a fan here either, i did the same last night was going to run some cause its appears to be the faster way to get legendaries but just got an epic and said to hell with it ( 1 time was enough for me i cant imagine 6 in a row).

We where talking about this in the chat, it appears conquests is much better now for efficiency then the gauntlet for both time, trophies and hand soreness from clicking a lot:

Gauntlet (To keep the gold cost way down i think most will do the Gauntlet Discount, and perhaps the repairs for trophies option) :
Initial cost: 8-20 Trophies for 1 hour of buffs
Time per run: Speed clicking and using the End button 8-10mins
Cost per run: Gold, 3 Trophies for ally refresh per run minimum, 10 trophies per run after the first for energy

Initial cost: nothing
Time per run: less then 5 mins if using trophies for any rest time over 45 seconds
Cost per run: 3 Trophies for ally refresh per run, 7-12 trophies for resting with a good team, large amount of gold to ID found legendary items

So for 7 runs (the max i can normally get in the buff duration of the gauntlet without my hand totally cramping up) i get a break down of:

7 runs
96-108 trophies (depending on how many of the buffs you use)
1 hour time (straight 1 hour of play to not lose buff time)

7 runs
67-102 trophies (depending on the number of times healing is over 45 seconds)
35 minutes time (can break this up as there is no buff timer for conquests)

Now they both seem to have the same loot pool, so what you will get in those 7 drops is basically the same. To me to make the Gauntlet worth the extra time and massive amount of extra mouse clicks it takes to complete it needs to be have a better chance of legendaries per run and no chance at all for regular epics.

03-24-2014, 08:42 AM
Not really sure about this but it seems that if you have an orange item pending identification in the Blacksmith, the chances to win another orange with the same gladiator before the existing one is identified are either severely reduced, or completely negated. Could be just a coincidence though.

03-24-2014, 03:29 PM
i have no idea how you guys manage to get runs done so quickly in the gauntlet. even trying to go fast a run takes me about 30-40 mins.

03-24-2014, 03:43 PM
I used to think the chance to get orange items was linked to how efficiently you finished the conquest (how many fights you had to repeat). It's not fool-proof, but certainly feels like better odds for my glads who finish a run efficiently. I've not noticed any difference when I have items pending identification in the Blacksmith's though...still same general ratio of oranges and non-oranges.

I'm with Apoc - I have no idea how people get multiple runs in in such a short time. My best runs take at least 45 minutes.

Last time I made a run with my glads I came out with 4 fabled blues, 3 epic purples, and a mere 1 fabled purple. :(