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View Full Version : Improving usefulness of Intellect

02-18-2014, 09:41 AM
Hi Nate,

I have a suggestion for improving the usefulness of Intellect.

What if you allowed gladiators in the fighting strategies page to select the order in which they'd like their skills to fire off. Then the higher intellect would determine the percentage chance that your glad would stick with your strategy.

So if I listed my preference as follows:
1) Adrenaline Rush
2) Sunder Armor
3) Rampage

Intellect would determine the percentage chance that I stick to my strategy or not.


Another way is to make higher intellect unlock more skill order strategies. So at low intellect you can only indicate 1 skill to fire off first. At medium intellect you can select the order of 2 skills and at high intellect 3 skills, etc.

02-18-2014, 12:42 PM
Intellect is already pretty important. Try getting a dumb glad to the top.

02-18-2014, 09:32 PM
For HOL Standards Belca is dumb...xD
But yea int already does alot as it is, the reason ya don't see it is because there are few glads out there that actually make use of it.

02-18-2014, 09:56 PM
It seems 90-100 Intellect is quite enough. I'm deliberately stacking it on one of my Theatrics gladiators (currently it's 150) but so far he hasn't invented any revolutionary way to beat his opponents despite being probably the smartest lad in Blood Gods.

02-18-2014, 11:31 PM
I should clarify - I'm sure intellect has uses in the current gameplay (though I agree with Kreegan that 100 seems enough). I just thought it would add to the fun of creating strategies if we could tailor strategies for intelligent glads that resulted in a noticeable difference in gameplay for us managers. It would certainly make intellect a more intriguing stat to consider.

The game-logic of my proposal seems coherent enough - you tell a glad how to fight and what skills to prioritize. If he's smart, he'll stick to the strategy and find a way to implement it. If he's dumb, he'll more quickly abandon strategy and "do his own thing" (or maybe he just never understood the strategy in the first place)

In any case, I thought it might be fun - not that Nate doesn't have enough to do as it is...