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View Full Version : Blood games

01-31-2014, 03:26 AM
So, I got in today and saw I had two invites for the Blood Games. I had planned on retiring both of them soon, and went to go about dropping them out. One I dropped out just fine, the other is telling me I've paid the entrance fee and no option to drop her out is given. Is this a bug or am I just stuck with a very ill prepared slave going into the Blood games? If it's not a bug I don't much care for the fact I can't choose if a slave fights in the games or not.

01-31-2014, 03:50 AM
Top 250 gladiators in the arena get an invite to compete.
Top 125 gladiators in the arena get their entrance fee waived.
Participating gladiators may not be sold until the Blood Games are over.

You need to pay more attention to what the text on the different buttons you click.
Both your glads quilified to particepate, but your first glad is among the top 125 glads in the arena and get the entrance fee waived and must drop out if you dont want him to compete.

Your second glad is among the top 126-250 and must pay 1000 gold to enter the competition.
So what you actually did was dropping your best glad and entering your worse glad.
Its been like this since the opening of the blood games

01-31-2014, 04:21 AM
So if I'm understanding you correctly, by dropping out one slave, it automatically paid the entry fee and entered my other one? Because as I said, I never paid any fee for the second one, but it says the entrance fee has been paid and there is no options available at all.

Alba Kebab
01-31-2014, 06:14 PM
It's no automatic, what Oedi is saying you(not the system) clicked the button to register him thinking it was the drop out button when it wasn't. It's what happens you don't pay close attention or read each mail, you probably read one mail and thought it was the same for both when it wasn't.

01-31-2014, 09:27 PM
Glad to see we're all so rude here with our assumptions. I came here to report what I thought was a bug, and you have both now confirmed for me it -is- something that shouldn't have happened.

I never clicked -anything- for my second slave. There was never -anything- to click. There was no button, no hyperlink, nothing. It simply had a msg displayed that I had paid her entry fee, when I in fact hadn't. I appreciate that both of you took time to respond. I don't, however, appreciate the assumptions that I wasn't paying attention.

I logged on. I saw two invites. I got on my first slave and dropped her out via the button. Everything is golden for her. I got on the second slave, there was no button or hyperlink, only a text message stating that I had paid her entry fee, when I hadn't even been on her to CLICK the button you both claim I didn't pay attention to and clicked. There was no button, and I wouldn't have even posted this in bugs if there had been one and I accidentally clicked it.

01-31-2014, 10:00 PM
Slow down boss, nobody is being rude. What Oedi and Alba told you is how it works and how it has worked for almost two years. I suppose it is possible something changed recently, just like it is possible you may have a entered your glad unknowingly. Reading your post I'm not entirely sure what exactly it is you did or the steps you took. The description isn't very clear. When I've had a glad make it into the blood games but was required to pay I had to go to the blood games page and click the green button. Once I did that I would have a message like you described which is what leads me to believe you already clicked the button perhaps by accident. If you say you didn't, then maybe you didn't and it is a bug. Send Nate a PM if you are pretty sure that is the case, he's good about answering messages.

01-31-2014, 11:14 PM
I suppose it is possible something changed recently, just like it is possible you may have a entered your glad unknowingly. Reading your post I'm not entirely sure what exactly it is you did or the steps you took. The description isn't very clear. When I've had a glad make it into the blood games but was required to pay I had to go to the blood games page and click the green button. Once I did that I would have a message like you described which is what leads me to believe you already clicked the button perhaps by accident. If you say you didn't, then maybe you didn't and it is a bug. Send Nate a PM if you are pretty sure that is the case, he's good about answering messages.

Thank you for the advice on sending a msg to Nate. I should have just done that from the start it seems.

Alba Kebab
01-31-2014, 11:37 PM
Thank you for that clarification, we had to assume that might be what happened when you didn't provide much details.
Now that you have explained it in detail, and if that was indeed the exact steps you took, then it does look like a bug.

Btw, you might be getting exasperated and took things the wrong way, but no one is being rude to you, we are just trying to help, calm down.