View Full Version : This game.

01-23-2014, 04:22 AM

I have ratio of 0/1 000 000 against a level 1 guy.
I lose 99% of time against glads who are 10 levels below me.
I do not understand this game at all. Not eve slightly bit.

Can someone help me get better in this game? Kinda like mentoring or something.

01-23-2014, 05:09 AM
what are your skills and gladiator type?

what are your weapons and attack strategies?

01-25-2014, 07:22 AM
Be sure to check out the strategy guides here on the forums for each specialty in addition to asking for help from the community. There is a wealth of information here. When asking for help it is generally a good idea to let the community know the name of the gladiator and as much other information as possible so they can better help you.

Good luck in the Pit!


01-25-2014, 07:47 PM
Those "wealth" of information are not actually so much. Really. They do not help.

My glads are:
1. Theatrics - Human (lvl 21)
#1 Start - 6 Lunge Head Torso 1
#2 I'm moderately injured - 9 Slash Torso Torso 1
#3 OFF
#4 OFF
Lvl 8 Exotic(almost 9)
Lvl 1 Feint and Called Shot
Lvl 5 Signature Move

Darksteel Stiletto(Blue)
Speed 4.2
Weight 1
Main Hand
13 - 29 Damage
(88.2 damage per round)
Durability 37/40
Item Level 7
Specialties: Theatrics
+ 1 Agility
+ 2 Attack Power

Soul-forged Falchion (Blue)
Speed 1.45
Weight 4
42 - 70 Damage
(81.2 damage per round)
Durability 37/40
Item Level 6
Specialties: Theatrics
+ 1 Agility
+ 1 Presence
Armor is all Light.(green)
2. War - Urk (lvl 15)
#1 Start - 1 Bash Torso Torso 1
#2 I'm very tired - 1 Parry-bash Front leg Head 1
#3 OFF
Lvl 8 Axes & Maces (almost 9)

Mystic Flail (green)
Axes & Maces
Speed 1.45
Weight 4
Main Hand
31 - 50 Damage
(58.7 damage per round)
Durability 28/30
Item Level 5
Specialties: Rage, War, Theatrics
+ 1 Chi
Brutish Tower Shield (green)
Speed 1
Weight 14
45 Defense
19 - 30 Damage
(24.5 damage per round)
Durability 28/30
Item Level 8
Specialties: War, Theatrics
+ 1 Presence
+ 1 Chi
Armor is mixed Medium-Heavy.(everything green except torso-gray)

Need more details on my glads? :(

Need glad skill numbers?

01-25-2014, 09:44 PM
The name of your glads and their bracket and ranking would be great, we can then scout them in game to see for ourselves. The guides on these forums are great especially Sotc's new Theatrics guide. If you don't find them very useful then perhaps you should read them again.

Increase your AL and BL for your theatrics glad to around 8 and then go read/re-read this (http://forum.pitofwar.com/showthread.php?2134-Theatrics-Guide-for-New-Players).

Drop the shield on your war gladiator if you don't have any trains in it, otherwise your gladiator is carrying around a giant weight he doesn't know how to use. Increase his AL and BL to something like 6-8. If I'm reading that right you are bashing with AL 1 BL 1. You have basically asked your gladiator to sit in the middle of the arena and take a beating. After you do that go read this (http://forum.pitofwar.com/showthread.php?2001-Prinny-s-War-Guide-for-Dummies). Pay particular attention to the parts about defensive war glads since it looks like that is what you want to make. Keep in mind they are probably one of the hardest glads to run.

Your gladiators are also VERY under geared. Your theatrics glad is level 21 and still using a level 7 weapon and level 6 off hand. A level 21 green weapon would probably be two (maybe three) times better than a blue 7. Spend time running the gauntlet, running the new conquests. Visit the Blacksmith every day and get your gladiators better gear.

Plan out your skill build using the strategy guides
Increase your AL and BL for both glads
Get better gear for both glads
Use the pit fights at the black market to test strategies and keep tweaking them until you find ones that work well

01-26-2014, 05:57 AM
Refresh your gear every 5-6 lvls especially when low lvl and set your bloodlust higher, 1-1 on a war no matter the kind is asking for them to lose.

I don't know the encumbrance on the theatrics so I can't say for sure that he/she won't be over 25% already but I would guess the the glad can atleast wear a few medium armour pieces along with the light armour and still be under 25% encumbrance. Wearing full light armour makes her nothing but a rage with some diferent skills and no berserk strategy to make loads of attacks.

Dainoji pretty much said everything I would say on the matter though, the guides should be fine to help ya on your way. The finishing touches on your glads should be done by the manager in question and not the writer of the guide. :)

01-26-2014, 08:57 PM
AL and BL being what?
Also about weapons, I either don't get items from battles, or if I do, I get stuff like gray armors or something alike.
I actually was saving for pink weapon, but if you say green would be enough, then I guess I will invest some money into it.

My encumbrance of theatrics is 7%.

01-26-2014, 09:33 PM
Glads names are Zuzgy and Kuljem.
And btw this training system sucks. I just wasted 30+ points and raised by 0 my weapon skill. 0%.

01-26-2014, 10:08 PM
AL and BL being what?

Activity Level & Blood Lust

Also about weapons, I either don't get items from battles, or if I do, I get stuff like gray armors or something alike.

Then you obviously are not running the Gauntlet in the Black Market or Conquests in the Tavern per my suggestion.

I actually was saving for pink weapon, but if you say green would be enough, then I guess I will invest some money into it.

Purple, not pink. and yes at your level you should be gearing up as fast as possible. Anything at this point is probably better than what you have now.

Glads names are Zuzgy and Kuljem.

We can't help you unless you read and follow directions. There are a lot of gladiators in the arena which is why we asked for their bracket and ranking. You only provided their names and I'm not going to spend my time searching for them.

And btw this training system sucks. I just wasted 30+ points and raised by 0 my weapon skill. 0%.

Does is suck because you don't understand it, or does it suck because you aren't getting what you want? If it is the latter than really what you mean to say is you are unhappy your glad didn't train. The system is fine. It is pretty clear to me that you are not reading the forums or guides or our feedback. I'm happy to help someone who is trying and putting in the time but it doesn't look like you are making much of an effort.

01-29-2014, 02:49 PM
[/QUOTE]Does is suck because you don't understand it, or does it suck because you aren't getting what you want? If it is the latter than really what you mean to say is you are unhappy your glad didn't train. The system is fine. It is pretty clear to me that you are not reading the forums or guides or our feedback. I'm happy to help someone who is trying and putting in the time but it doesn't look like you are making much of an effort.[/QUOTE]

It does get a little frustrating when you are sitting at level nine with one more point needed, and four days after your still sitting at the same point, that's happening to one of my gladiators right now. So here is my question, if stamina increases your chances on training attributes, would it actually be worth getting a full set of armor/weapons that have a massive increase to stamina and than just before trying to train the attributes throwing on the stamina boosting items you bought, and than afterwords putting your normal armor/weapons on? Seriously, everyday for the past four days I've said, alright Flama, this has got to be your lucky day on getting your armour movement to level ten, and than I use up all his points and nothing happens. I mean it's bad enough that I don't know how long it took me to get the first nine out of ten points for level ten, but I've been sitting at nine out of ten for four days. I remember someone telling me that the HOL glads learn faster, that was a flat out lie. I like this game, but that training system is a little screwy. Or, lol, I'm unhappy my gladiator hasn't trained in four days worth of skill points. :/

01-29-2014, 10:08 PM
The training system models reality in a way. It is usually easy to learn the basics of a new skill and can be done relatively quick. The closer and closer one becomes to being a master at something the longer and longer it takes to get there. A gladiator gets thousands of training points over his or her career and the "finish line" is the same for everyone. It might take a gladiator a few more days or a week longer than the next gladiator but in the end patience and persistence wins out with all gladiators having a max of 100 skill points.

Good luck in the Pit!


01-31-2014, 07:33 PM
Ok, so I have to thank you guys for some help at least.
One of my glads (war) is doing much better now. Not much improvement for theatrics guy.

Anyway, I came here to ask for help with gaunglet.
Is there anyone that I can become ally with? So I have better chances at actually winning something there. Seems like I(with theatrics glad-lvl25) can't even win 1 single match with random glads lvl 29 as ally on hard difficulty. So, not even first round finished.

01-31-2014, 08:34 PM
I thought the same thing the first time I tried hard mode on the gauntlet. I was all like, I'm level 25, why did they bother letting you do this at level 25. Truth is you may as well wait until your close to level fifty, and as far as adding someone, go to arena/rankings/blood gods and send an invite to every stable there, someone will accept and all of those players have characters than can carry you through hard mode.

I would be happy to add you, but my characters aren't strong enough yet. Also if you want someone to send you an invite they still need the bracket and rank of one of your characters.

01-31-2014, 10:05 PM
run conquests on normal as well and gear up on greens and fabled greens for your glad's level. Sometimes you find blues as well on normal. After that you can try and move on to hard and gear up with blues and fabled blues. I'm sure you get the idea.

02-02-2014, 01:07 AM
Ok, thanks.

Any suggestion for this glad;

Level: 1
Name: Slave
The only glad that costs more then 950 which showed up in the last few days..

02-02-2014, 01:32 AM
War with maces. Theatrics with maces will also work. He's quite balanced so blades are an option too.

02-02-2014, 07:59 AM
I already have War with maces. And theatric with exotic. So, if noone suggest other combinations, I will probably go with theatrics blades?

Alba Kebab
02-02-2014, 06:08 PM
If you want to go blades, try bastard sword, I think that one benefits a bit more from strength than other blades.