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View Full Version : New Update 1/22/2014: Conquests & New Hall of Legends Requirements

01-22-2014, 06:01 AM
Greetings Pit Masters!

Today a new update just went live! In the update the major new feature is Conquests. As I mentioned in a previous post this is a beta as I simply didn't have enough time to create all the conquests. The first milestone is to have the Great Realm's 10 territories and 40 regions to house 160 official conquests. Once the other two realms are opened up things will be similar with an additional 10 territories, 40 regions and 160 conquests in each.

A conquest is very much a group adventure. You select 4 other gladiators to accompany your chosen gladiator and then you will lead them through it. As your group battles their way through they will get injured and tire. You an choose to press on or stop and rest. Resting will see the gladiators healed and their endurance replenished. The worse the injuries and the more health and endurance needed to recover the longer it will take. For managers not wanting to wait you can use trophies to skip the rest timer. The Pleasure Palace membership and Auto-Heal memberships reduce the amount of time needed to rest by a lot so that is another option available to you.

A new mechanic has been introduced and that is "Unidentified Items". When Fabled or Legendary items are found "in the wild" you will need to bring them to the Blacksmith so he can figure out what they are. He will charge you a gold fee for his services and it will take some time for him to do the research. If you would like him to speed things along you can pay a trophy fee to expedite the process.

Another update has to do with the Hall of Legends. A new ranking algorithm and scoring method is being used to better reflect the ranking of legends. In addition, the requirements to be admitted into the Hall of Legends has been modified. The win ratio requirement is a sliding scale that decreases based on how many fights a gladiator has and the floor now goes to 33%. The top 10 of each race is also now displayed on the hall of legends page.

The energy requirements for each difficulty level of the Gauntlet have been lowered.

Hope you all enjoy our first steps into exploring the Great Realm!

Good luck in the Pit!


01-22-2014, 06:14 AM
This is very fun Nate! Looking forward to seeing more this!

Some initial feedback from running nightmare 4 or 5 times now:

The normal mob fights seem to be balanced very well, got several losses vs these guys but it didn't seem punishing.

The mini-bosses seemed very easy, most of these my group would take no damage at all, since its only 1 mob before he could move he would be knocked down, hamstring-ed, and who knows what all else. They seem to need something maybe double or triple their current hit points so they get to fight some before going down.

The end fight is about the same, i think it has something to do with that boss only having 2600 hit points, he has lots of help but he can go down so fast and then its clean up time.

Still lots and lots of fun! The Unidentified Items is just a whole "OMG what is it!" got to say i couldn't wait the 12 hours for the blacksmith to ID one of the ones i got, so the trophie option there is nice!

Arx Fatalis
01-22-2014, 06:23 AM
Haha! Nothing beats a good old fashioned D&D style dungeon crawl to kill time while waiting for arena tokens to refresh! Well done Nate! I haven't had this much fun since the good old days of bombing around in the MUDs on Telnet.

01-22-2014, 07:33 AM
This is just awesome. Pit of War is reborn...

01-22-2014, 07:35 AM
After talking with some guys in the chat, it would be cool if there was some kinda bonus for doing this with only your stable, so it just locks in your 5 glads only and runs it. Be like a hard mode :)

01-22-2014, 11:55 AM
cool stuff and everything, but id like to give a warning to fellow adventurers, dont go back to the entrance youll soon find yourself outside and have to start over again:(

Pit Lord
01-22-2014, 07:59 PM
Nice changes. My thoughts about each change:

1.CONQUESTS - great its finally implemented. Now we have a whole new game. Its fun to adventure around the Great Realm with your arena adversaries :).

2.Hall of Legends - don't know how is working but I trust you attuned it well Nate ;).

I remember when I started to play this game in my first post on this forum I criticized the whole HoL slave system but back then the requiriment was 55%. Now with time it was lowered in steps to 33%. With this last requirement the stable masters should not fear of the long gearing time in the Blood Gods bracket. I think this must be the last lowering of the requirement. It is easy enough now for anyone. If a gladiator cannot reach 33% he/she doesn't deserve to be legend. There are no excuses now.

3.THE GAUNTLET - with the new energy change the gauntlet can be easily run for just 11 trophies (8 discount 3 assuming one ally reset). The legendary gear is now easily obtainable. No gear? No excuses ;).

EDIT: It will make sense that the 33% is only for gladiators who has at least 1 full Blood Gods season finished. For the rest the old 46% or even 55% rule can be applied.

01-23-2014, 07:18 AM
Love Conquest Nate! Got 2 orange drops, well 3 if you count the same head 2 times, in the first day. Which is great for me as Lady Hulk just hit 50 a few days back and I had no orange gear. However, it feels a little... idk, too easy I guess. Not complaining, just an observation. I also agree that the Mini-Boss fights need a bit of balancing. Maybe a few reg mobs with them as well.

Edit: Also... ****** smiles after the gigantic hit to ***** ****** bicep! (+21469 Damage)

********** roars uncontrollably as she attacks! (-Rampage-) A cyclopean wound is opened on ***** *******'s butt! (+21343 Damage)

This feels kinda crazy to me honestly. Understandable for the health they have, but still. The BIG numbers worry me a little. What's up with all this? :)

01-23-2014, 10:27 AM
Rampage seems to drop the target's health by some percent, +/- other variables, so even with 1 000 000 health nobody will survive more than a few such hits.

As for Conquests - they look quite good even in their current form. Congratulations on the release, Nate. :)

01-23-2014, 04:12 PM
3.THE GAUNTLET - with the new energy change the gauntlet can be easily run for just 11 trophies (8 discount 3 assuming one ally reset). The legendary gear is now easily obtainable. No gear? No excuses ;).

I love that we have 4 different ways to get legendary gear now and each is totally different:

1. Win the bloodgames - which is about knowing how to set your strat up vs a specific opponent
2. Buy with Season points - everyone gets this
3. Buy with large amounts of Gold - the gauntlet
4. Get with large investment of time - conquests, you don't get a legendary every run but time is really the only cost to doing these runs.

Such a great change to how the game was where you just refreshed the blacksmith over and over till you found something. Got to give it to Nate for making the game so much more diverse.

01-23-2014, 09:53 PM
I seriously doubt that the Conquests are going to remain as they are at the moment. The Gauntlet is no alternative to them in any way if you are looking for top gear. The heal timers seem to be very low, the time limit for passing the dungeon is very high and even the "boss" Nightmare opponents aren't that hard to beat in a few runs. Worst case scenario - you end up with some purple after less than an hour, no gold or trophies spent. Best... is orange of course. So the "promotion" will probably be for 1-2 weeks, like it was with the Gauntlet, and then we'll see something more challenging and expensive. :)

01-23-2014, 10:49 PM
Awesome update Nate! Running conquests are a lot of fun and I can't wait for more. I'll echo some feedback already given. Mini boss and boss fights are too easy the other fights are good. After running the underbelly a number of times it is clear that number of opponents ramps up the difficulty much more than a huge helping of extra health to a single enemy. If you want to have one bad ass boss with no support troops I might suggest A LOT more health, maybe even more than the triple that Cyn suggested. I would also give them damage reduction or high defense or a high block rate or more attacks. You need to compensate for the disparity between the number of attacks a 5 man team gets versus a 1 man team and the fact that a 5 man team has roughly 5 times more chances of landing crits that will reduce the boss's effectiveness. Pumping their initiative would also help to ensure they get their attacks in first.

Lord Bane
01-23-2014, 10:55 PM
Well Kreegan you are probably right about that but on the other hand i defenitly see use for the gauntlet.

Keep in mind that you have to identify the Fabled and Legendary items which takes up time and gold and only after hours you will see if the item was worth the wait.

Now if you look at the Gauntlet good glads can already do many runs and get several legendarys instantly sure its expensive but it gets the job done faster.

On top of that you get squids which offer you the chance for trophys and other payment options.

The way i see it Conquest is more useful for the new players for Gear and Gauntlet is good for the already progressed kind of Glads which already got some legendaries.

01-25-2014, 07:16 AM
Conquests is in open beta which means data is being collected and then if changes need to happen they will. Pretty standard for an open beta. I wanted to get Conquests out to the community sooner than later because my internal goal was the end of December and everyone has been so patient and supportive over the past year. Normally I would have kept it closed far longer but I think what we have now is still enough for people to have fun. Expect changes to happen as data comes in and things are adjusted.

The Underbelly is supposed to be a level 5 dungeon and the concept of scaling based on the gladiator's level was only introduced a week ago so everyone could enjoy it which is why some battles are too easy. Once enough conquests are finished it will go back to being an level 5 dungeon and players will work their way through the Great Realm which will feel more rewarding I think.

As always, if you have any comments or suggestions about Conquests feel free to send me a PM or write it here in the forum. I'm always happy to listen.

Good luck in the Pit!


01-25-2014, 07:19 AM
cool stuff and everything, but id like to give a warning to fellow adventurers, dont go back to the entrance youll soon find yourself outside and have to start over again:(

I think you might have run out of time as going back to the entrance should not take you out of the dungeon. If you can repeat it please let me know.

Good luck in the Pit!


01-27-2014, 04:42 AM
I didn't go to the entrance, I just avoided clicking on every section I already visited and instead clicked on the nearest undiscovered section and I dropped out of the conquest. It already happened two times with lots of hours left (on nightmare). I think both times it was the crossroads in the middle. So it may be safer to venture the dungeon step by step instead of doing it the "fast way", although I could have missed something and it's my mistake. I don't see how though.
Anyways, great update! Really looking forward to see more.

e: It happened again with another glad on nightmare, this time clicking on another section, again skipping some (I was testing it, the reason below).
I also ventured with just two other glads, being sure I chose 4. Strangely enough, there's a cooldown on every glad I picked, even though the group consisted of only three glads.

01-28-2014, 11:18 AM
Resting/healing is bugged, as if you're injured/dead and switching between gladiators, it only heals injure/resurrects, but doesn't replenish health/stamina before timer runs out. Also once fully healed, it could switch to "exploration" mode automatically.

01-29-2014, 05:36 AM
I thought that in the beta phase there will be a lot of bugs (sorry :)) but it works very well. Although as Rhinocervs already mentioned, I was also kicked out of the instance few times, despite the fact that I still had a lot of time. But apart from that everything runs smoothly :P

01-29-2014, 06:10 AM
Difficulty was increased significantly, I failed to pass through Gut Trasher with any of my glads + Sotc team. It was a rape 20 times in a row :) + 45 minutes timer, pretty much a waste of time.

01-29-2014, 06:20 AM
yes i must say now itīs a bit to hard and the time for healing was raised, too. 2 hours are not enough to defeat conquest on nightmare.

01-29-2014, 06:30 AM
Cool stuff, you can no longer smash through mini-bosses with Rampage and you have much less time to pass + much more time to heal. Initial impression are for a shift from very easy to very hard, I'll need a few more runs to see if it's too hard.

Edit: Nope, it's still doable. The final battle is now more challenging too however so not every run will be necessarily successful.

01-29-2014, 10:31 AM
it is to manage, but i think some extra time like a half hour should be ok.

01-29-2014, 10:13 PM
e: It happened again with another glad on nightmare, this time clicking on another section, again skipping some (I was testing it, the reason below).
I'm unable to reproduce this. Is there anything in particular you are doing other than skipping sections?

I also ventured with just two other glads, being sure I chose 4. Strangely enough, there's a cooldown on every glad I picked, even though the group consisted of only three glads.
If I am understanding you, you are saying you choose 4 allies but only two accompanied you. Is that correct?

01-29-2014, 10:17 PM
Resting/healing is bugged, as if you're injured/dead and switching between gladiators, it only heals injure/resurrects, but doesn't replenish health/stamina before timer runs out. Also once fully healed, it could switch to "exploration" mode automatically.
Ok, so if a gladiator is dead or has an injury and then you navigate away from the rest screen, you are observing that they will get resurrected and injuries will be healed but their health and endurance will not replenish? Does the timer simply run down to 0 and then the gladiators in question are only partially replenished? What happens if you refresh the page? If they are fully replenished then this is a visual bug. Thanks!

01-29-2014, 10:19 PM
I thought that in the beta phase there will be a lot of bugs (sorry :)) but it works very well.

I do my best to catch as many as I can first but some always creep through! :)

01-29-2014, 10:26 PM
As many have noted the difficulty of Conquests has been adjusted. For some it will feel like a significant increase and that is because before there was basically no difficulty. Conquests on all settings had a success rate of over 90%. :) One of the goals here is to have the difficulty be such that success is not guaranteed otherwise there isn't much of a challenge. If previously your gladiators were walking through Nightmare and now they are having trouble I suggest selecting the Hard difficulty instead and work your way back up to Nightmare. Another key to Conquests is choosing the right allies. Keep trying different combinations.

Keep the feedback rolling in, it is always helpful.

Good luck in the Pit!


01-30-2014, 05:01 AM
I'm unable to reproduce this. Is there anything in particular you are doing other than skipping sections?
Unfortunately I don't remember, but I don't think so. I'm just sure I dropped out to the "Rok" screen, forcing me to begin the conquest from start. Are there other ways this could have happened?

If I am understanding you, you are saying you choose 4 allies but only two accompanied you. Is that correct?
It's correct. Every chosen glad had the same cooldown. I started a conquest with only two other once before, but I thought I forgot to pick four glads.

Neither has happened since, but I didn't run conquests the last days.

01-30-2014, 05:18 AM
I got also dropped from the Conquest in the middle the last 2 times I tried, but I have no idea what I may have clicked wrong... I'll try again when I have some time.

01-30-2014, 05:36 AM
What is the requirement to run conquests ?

I stopped playing for half a year and decided to start all over, and it only shows the beautifully drawn landscape of Rok for me ^^

Greetings, the returned God, Thor

01-30-2014, 06:44 AM
poop. i didnt farm runs for oranges. infact, i didnt get a single orange, just 2 purples.

01-30-2014, 09:23 AM
Ok, so if a gladiator is dead or has an injury and then you navigate away from the rest screen, you are observing that they will get resurrected and injuries will be healed but their health and endurance will not replenish?
that is correct.

if gladiator is dead - it only resurrects.
if gladiator has injuries - it only heals them

Does the timer simply run down to 0 and then the gladiators in question are only partially replenished? What happens if you refresh the page? If they are fully replenished then this is a visual bug. Thanks!

time runs out to 0 and gladiators are only partially replenished. If you refresh the page, the timer starts all over again and then you're healed, so it appears it takes twice as much time.

However if you stay on the same page, it works as intended.

I've tested on newest version of Firefox.

02-01-2014, 11:56 AM
tried to do hard mode conquest for lord brutish and razael tonight, with no luck. After 3 tries for both it seems clear to me that 45 minutes to finish is way to little for me atleast. Took me about 30-40 minutes of rest time to get to the last fight, if ive tried to actually read the fights I couldve just forgotten to try it. I got in 1-3 tries before the timer ran out, and i was slaughtered each time. Maybe that was the idea with the new timer that you only would be able to do a few tries before you have to redo it all. Anyway will be a while until I waste time on this again, its much more to gain from the gauntlet. That suits my play style alot more, being able to play for a few minutes and take a break for an hour or so before playing a few minutes again.

02-02-2014, 05:56 AM
Just had time to run it again after the change, here is my feedback on this version:

1. Team composition is much more important, my all speed team had no chance vs Gut Thrasher, couldn't get him below 15k life in several attempts. After swapping in a pair of warriors (ended up with arrrrrghpirate, belca, bladesinger, bruce lee, erupt) and they where able to take him out on about the 6th try.

2. Gut Thrasher seems a bit over tuned compared to the other 2 mini bosses, maybe a bit of his mojo should be taken out and put in the other 2.

3. The multi fight boss was fun (took several tries to take him down, used trophies here cause i was worried on time some of the rest times where over 5 mins) only thing i would suggest is in between fights a retreat option instead of going to the next fight would be nice, if one of your glads gets KO'ed in the first fight, going into fight 2 and 3 is really just a waste of time, all its going to do is raise your heal timer. So being able to retreat after that first fight would be a nice option.

4. End loot - after spending nearly an hour doing this on nightmare, and spending a few trophies to beat the clock (i think about the same amount it takes to clear the gauntlet), seeing a regular purple as the final reward was very disappointing. Before when it was easier regular purples made sense, but now it seems like this should have nightmare gauntlet type loot as it takes more time to complete then the gauntlet and a similar trophie cost. Since the trophie cost was similar it seems to me i can either "spend" time doing the conquests, or "spend" gold doing the gauntlet to get gear, but if the gauntlet has only legendaries and bloodgame purples on nightmare, it doesn't make much sense to run conquests (if your goal is to get gear) where you can get regular purples.

02-02-2014, 06:46 AM
Agreed about overpowered Gut Thrasher. But I think the other mini-bosses are balanced depending on team composition.

Finally finished a Nightmare run under the new changes after about 10 false starts - my 2 cents:

Seraph Mertrell, Bruce Lee, Hubba Gubba, Neera, and Ahhnold were able to finish the nightmare level and got an Orange item out of it. I used no trophies and finished with about 30 minutes remaining. But...there was a lot of luck involved since a similar team couldn't get past Gut Thrasher at all and I happened to beat the Boss on the first try (previous time went at the Boss about 6 times and got whipped every time.)

Team composition-wise, I had a similar setup as Cynaidh: 3 speed builds and 2 duke it out builds. Although I'm a bit wary with Rages since the last Boss goes three rounds and most Rages going Berserk can't last that long (no endurance reset between rounds).

One issue - I can't seem to get any traction with my Power builds. Anyone have success with a Power rage and what teammates did you run?

Anyway, this is my first post, so hello and thanks to Nate for a great game.

I have no signature yet, so my stables are Adoede and Tevrosin. See you in the arena

02-02-2014, 07:21 AM
Welcome to the forums Adoede.

Also I completely agree, running rages is very risky with the 3 fight final boss, they where not doing much at all in the 3rd fight as all there energy was used up in the final, I was thinking the same thing of running 2 speed theatrics, 2 warriors + who ever i am running due to that issue. My power rage is only level 43 so I cant help there, perhaps someone else can.

02-02-2014, 07:45 AM
I've been youing around with teams and my default has been thus:

Bruce Iee
Arrrghpirate (the rage one) OR Vyers
Amon Djinn
Hubba Gubba OR Erupt OR Ahhnold

Not sure if either is optimal, but I think Hubba is better than Erupt for my team. I like running Ahhnold and Bruce together (because Ahhnold is a god damn monster and compliments speed builds well), but I've stopped for now because I have a feeling it diminishes orange drop chances. out of 14 runs I've had 1 orange and that was without Ahhnold :(

Seraph Mertrell, Bruce Lee, Hubba Gubba, Neera, and Ahhnold were able to finish the nightmare level and got an Orange item out of it.

I with I got oranges when I paired my boys up :(

02-02-2014, 08:48 AM
Just finished another run...
Seraph Zivre, Bladesinger, Ahhnold, Bruce Lee, Bruce Willis

So much for worrying about rages running out of endurance. Anyway, again no trophies used and an orange drop. But this was the only team out of 7 I was running that made it past Gut Thrasher.

02-02-2014, 08:59 AM
Interesting maybe i need more rages on my teams :)

Right now my duel wield rages are at 1 endurance after every fail on the end boss, so they are completely out at the end.


Alba Kebab
02-02-2014, 11:19 PM
that is correct.

if gladiator is dead - it only resurrects.
if gladiator has injuries - it only heals them

time runs out to 0 and gladiators are only partially replenished. If you refresh the page, the timer starts all over again and then you're healed, so it appears it takes twice as much time.

However if you stay on the same page, it works as intended.

I've tested on newest version of Firefox.
Just wanted to report I've experienced the same whenever I went to check on and refreshed the blacksmith(with another glad) while resting. I'd come back after timer is up and 1 glad would not be replenished - who it is seems random out of the group.

02-05-2014, 11:55 AM
We've got about a weeks worth of data with the new increased difficulty now. I'll be taking a look at it and make adjustments as necessary. The goal of course is to make it challenging but not too challenging based on the difficulty setting. At the same time I'll be trying to stomp out the bugs you have reported. Thanks for all the help! :)

Good luck in the Pit!


02-09-2014, 08:35 AM
finally managed to pass Gut Trasher with all my glads, however last boss was way OP, till timer ran out. Pretty much wasted another 2 hours, not worth the time spent

02-11-2014, 07:13 PM
Anyone notice that the final boss seems to have been buffed recently? I think I've gone at him about 50 times and been destroyed (not even close) every time but once...and that one was pure luck.

02-12-2014, 08:00 AM
I haven't noticed any increase. Since the most recent update the final boss has been much more difficult but doable.

02-12-2014, 08:54 AM
Thanks. I asked because suddenly the team I'd been using was no longer effective. I changed the team and its better now.

02-15-2014, 05:31 AM
*** GUT THRASHER is taking a dirt nap after being knocked out! ***

02-16-2014, 03:53 AM
I've tried to replicate issue where you are kicked of dungeon and I've managed to do that couple of times.

Final boss fight, after 2nd round you click on Conquests to navigate back to the map, then click on your flag to heal up (even if it's showing full health and stamina it heals up, timer is counting).

Once healed up click on the map to navigate from the boss flag and then click on boss flag again, bye bye you can start all over again.

02-16-2014, 04:01 AM
I've tried to replicate issue where you are kicked of dungeon and I've managed to do that couple of times.

Final boss fight, after 2nd round you click on Conquests to navigate back to the map, then click on your flag to heal up (even if it's showing full health and stamina it heals up, timer is counting).

Once healed up click on the map to navigate from the boss flag and then click on boss flag again, bye bye you can start all over again.

I think that's supposed to happen, if you can heal up between the rounds the boss fight gets to easy. Even though a final boss his role is to be defeated that doens't mean he should be easy to beat :p

02-16-2014, 06:18 AM
yes I agree, but it shouldn't kick you out just like that, without any warning or something.

02-18-2014, 04:29 AM
Just wanted to report I've experienced the same whenever I went to check on and refreshed the blacksmith(with another glad) while resting. I'd come back after timer is up and 1 glad would not be replenished - who it is seems random out of the group.

Have noticed if your running multi glads threw at the same time, this happens ALOT where 1 glad stays at 1 hit point and doesn't heal up.

Fairly sure it has to do with injuries, once the injury heals up they don't heal up there hit points if you leave the page and are doing another conquest run with a different glad.

Alba Kebab
02-19-2014, 03:52 AM
That may be true also, however, I was running one at a time though.
Guess both cases might apply.

02-20-2014, 11:16 AM
trying to navigate through more than one step kicks out of the map, as well. This is very frustrating.

02-21-2014, 04:29 PM
Apologies for the frustration, open beta is a trade-off between usability and early access. Hopefully we'll catch the biggest offending bugs in the near future.

I'm still unable to reproduce getting kicked out. I hop all over the map skipping sections, I swap over to different gladiators and back again and I never get kicked out. If anyone has more detail on what they are doing let me know. Are you trying to do something strange or out of the ordinary? Slow internet connection? Less popular browser or OS. Maybe it happens when using your phone instead of PC, etc. Anything that might be out of place would be helpful if there is something like that. Thanks!

Good luck in the Pit!


02-21-2014, 05:58 PM
Nate, the getting kicked out bug happens when I accidently take a step back on the map and then skip a step to initiate a fight.

02-21-2014, 07:08 PM
Nate, the getting kicked out bug happens when I accidently take a step back on the map and then skip a step to initiate a fight.

BAM! That's the bug! I can reproduce it now, thanks Adoede! For those of you who don't want to get kicked out, save your two step dancing skills for the dance floor! When charging into battle don't first take a step back! ;)

Good luck in the Pit!


EDIT: This should be fixed now. If anyone gets kicked out for what you believe to be a strange reason please let me know. Thanks!

02-22-2014, 06:33 AM
was difficulty increased once more? I'm having hard time with groups of 8 flesh eaters near final boss

02-26-2014, 01:16 AM
EDIT: This should be fixed now. If anyone gets kicked out for what you believe to be a strange reason please let me know. Thanks!

not fixed :) I've managed to get kicked out on final boss fight.

moved on the boss flag, however did not initiate battle (red letters appeared) and then moved away and back on the boss flag, got kicked.

02-26-2014, 02:56 AM
When you say "did not initiate battle", do you mean you did something to not initiate it? Did you click on the screen after the read text appeared to initiate the fight as normal and it didn't work and then you moved away and back? Thanks!

02-26-2014, 10:56 PM
by "did not initiate battle" I meant that I did not click on red text to start fight, but moved away on the map instead. (this wasn't intentional) then moved back on the boss fight and got kicked.

Latest version of Firefox.

02-27-2014, 06:56 PM
How did you accidentally move away? Once the text shows up you can only click on the screen to initiate the battle. Did you navigate away and back? Thanks!

02-28-2014, 12:33 AM
by clicking on the map tiles

I've started getting another issue, which was not happening before. After you select your team of 4 glads and start event, you end up with only 3.

it probably happens when the list is updating

02-28-2014, 12:54 AM
Have noticed if your running multi glads threw at the same time, this happens ALOT where 1 glad stays at 1 hit point and doesn't heal up.

Fairly sure it has to do with injuries, once the injury heals up they don't heal up there hit points if you leave the page and are doing another conquest run with a different glad.Same here - going through the dungeon with two gladiators at the same time results in one of the parties not getting healed properly if you're "looking" at the other. If there are no serious injuries the heal timers expire normally but if you have a party member with an injury or a corpse in the group, the heal timer hangs after he/she's resurrected or healed from the injury and adds a few minutes when you switch to him/her when the rest of the recovery process continues as it should. Same thing can happen if you're going with only 1 gladiator but navigate between the different areas of the game. So the bug is related to the change between the different "healing stages".

02-28-2014, 05:25 AM
Same here - going through the dungeon with two gladiators at the same time results in one of the parties not getting healed properly if you're "looking" at the other. If there are no serious injuries the heal timers expire normally but if you have a party member with an injury or a corpse in the group, the heal timer hangs after he/she's resurrected or healed from the injury and adds a few minutes when you switch to him/her when the rest of the recovery process continues as it should. Same thing can happen if you're going with only 1 gladiator but navigate between the different areas of the game. So the bug is related to the change between the different "healing stages".

I agree. Happens all the time. I've even run 9 glads simultaneously and this becomes a big pain when one glad isn't healing while the rest of the party is done.

02-28-2014, 05:47 AM
So the bug is related to the change between the different "healing stages".
I agree this happens every time, but I think this is a feature not a bug ;)

03-06-2014, 10:51 AM
another bug/glitch: last boss fight, right after second round browser refreshed itself, initiating final battle and kicking me back to the map (apparently I've killed the boss) however after healing up it kicked me out of campaign and I've ended up with empty hands. No prize and 2 hours wasted. I've noticed that during those few rounds fights browser sometimes refreshes itself without allowing to check results, then I have to go to the blacksmith and sell any loot I got during that fight.

Pit Lord
03-09-2014, 12:07 AM
I have done some conquests. If I leave the "Resting" page one of the gladiators can't heal. This forces me to stay the whole time on the "Resting" page. I wonder if this is intended or bug.

As Kreegan said its only when there are serious injuries. If I stay on the page when the injury is healed after this I can leave the page and the healing is normal.

The bug is serious injuries are only healed if the page is active.

03-12-2014, 02:13 PM
Are the present requirements to retire a gladiator and get a HOL slave
2-33% wins
3-1500 total fights
4-level 50

03-12-2014, 02:36 PM
Must have reached the Primus bracket.
Must be level 50 or higher.
Must have a 1000 total fights or more.
Must have greater than a 33% win ratio.
Not fighting in the Blood Games.

Those are the requirements, the required winrate could be at 50% for fresher glads and it lowers up to as low as 33% before it starts lowering.
Unsure of this as it has been a while since I have retired a new glad.

03-16-2014, 09:53 PM
Anyone getting the impression that the Plague Beast / Face Peeler received a major boost recently?

03-18-2014, 08:13 AM
been the same way for the last month to me, definitely stronger since launch tho

03-21-2014, 03:08 AM
Same here - going through the dungeon with two gladiators at the same time results in one of the parties not getting healed properly if you're "looking" at the other. If there are no serious injuries the heal timers expire normally but if you have a party member with an injury or a corpse in the group, the heal timer hangs after he/she's resurrected or healed from the injury and adds a few minutes when you switch to him/her when the rest of the recovery process continues as it should. Same thing can happen if you're going with only 1 gladiator but navigate between the different areas of the game. So the bug is related to the change between the different "healing stages".

I think I tracked this down and the fix will be included in the next update.

Good luck in the Pit!
