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View Full Version : Stable Upgrades - Guards

03-28-2011, 08:33 AM
Anyone found these guys worth the gold investment? How many ranks into this do people buy?

03-28-2011, 10:07 AM
For now I'd say it is worth the gold investment, but not any trophies. Gold is pretty easy to accumulate, though that might change with future additions like the black market. I wouldn't let putting gold into the guards bankrupt me though. It's more of a thing to do if you have gold to spare at the moment. You never know when that awesome slave pops up, plus right now with the blacksmith taking gold for chamber of power stuff it might be put to better use.

Team Kaos
03-28-2011, 10:10 AM
I've gone up to level 4, which costs 3000 gold and wards off Jimmy about 50% of the time. A level 5 costs 350 trophies which is way extreme. It does get bothersome to lose 3000 or 4000 gold at a time, but 350 trophies is out of the question in order to save gold unless the 50% sale becomes the norm along with the gold purchase option.

03-28-2011, 10:58 AM
IMO, guards investment is not near as critical as armory investment. If you are running glads that are "Grape Apes" (alot of purple gear) the repair cost from the blacksmith will clean out your gold in a hurry.

04-03-2011, 12:04 AM
regarding upgrades to stable - how to you unlock training yard and spa + trainers ?

04-03-2011, 04:48 AM
As far as I know, neither spa nor trainers are implemented yet.

05-01-2011, 05:49 AM
I bought the first upgrade when I first joined thinking - this might be a good idea if I want to get my gold up (to buy other stuff) - I bought the second as soon as I could and so on now I’m (supposedly) should have a 50% chance of fighting them of - but I have never seen it happen. So it seems to me like you still pay on a regular Jimmy's man everyday anyways - I might just have been unlucky though (well I’m still winning a lot more than I’m losing even though I only have theatric-glad’s so I guess I should be happy :P).

05-02-2011, 04:44 PM
I bought the first upgrade when I first joined thinking - this might be a good idea if I want to get my gold up (to buy other stuff) - I bought the second as soon as I could and so on now I’m (supposedly) should have a 50% chance of fighting them of - but I have never seen it happen. So it seems to me like you still pay on a regular Jimmy's man everyday anyways - I might just have been unlucky though (well I’m still winning a lot more than I’m losing even though I only have theatric-glad’s so I guess I should be happy :P).

Unless something is wrong you should be seeing your guards taking money from Jimmy's thugs 50% of the time. I have the same level of guards and about half the time I shake down his boys for a few hundred gold. When it happens you get a message titled ALERT: Confiscated Money! instead of ALERT: Protection Money!

05-03-2011, 03:47 AM
Oh, maybe thats whats going on - never looked at it to closely (better check it out and report back then )

05-04-2011, 02:03 AM
ehum yes confiscated some money today - i obviously have to pay more atention to the details :P

05-06-2011, 02:52 AM
Prolly not in the right spot for this, but are the guards only upgradable to tier 4 now, or is something bugged?

05-06-2011, 01:10 PM
Prolly not in the right spot for this, but are the guards only upgradable to tier 4 now, or is something bugged?

Hi TateSMASH!!,

Level 4 guards is the highest for this upgrade now.
