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View Full Version : Question about polearms

Lord Bane
11-03-2013, 03:54 AM
Basically what i want to know is which style to use apart from lunge.

Like spear seems to be lunge only correct me if i am wrong with this.
The pole axe seems to be lunge and slash maybe even bash.
The battle staff well lunge but i really dont see what else to do with it it looks kinda odd.

Anyway would be nice if you clear that up for me.

12-13-2013, 02:07 AM
I haven't been playing long and know nothing of higher levels, but every offspring and my wife made accounts and quit the game so I've played on most kinds of characters.
With pole arms, so far,
lunge =for spears,
bash =for pole ax, halberd, etc....
slash= strangly, has worked well on anything I've used called a "staff"