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View Full Version : Activated abilities

03-12-2011, 01:23 PM
Hey guys,

I've searched the forums for this and there doesn't appear to be an answer already. Do activated abilities (Barreling Attack, Feint, etc) occur randomly throughout the fight or do they have to be 'activated' somewhere?

Cheers in advance

03-12-2011, 01:29 PM
Activated abilities happen on their own, there is nothing special you have to do other than train the skill. I don't know if I would say they go off randomly though, there does seems to be some smarts built in on when they go off, but maybe I'm just reading into things too much. :)

Passive skills on the other hand are always active, so again just train the skill and it will be "on".

03-12-2011, 03:44 PM
"Activated" skills appear to be totally random. Some Activated Skills are completely broken. Passive skills are hit or miss, and most offer little or no obvious advantage.

Choose "Activated" skills over "Passive" skills, if you wish to track how often they are used in combat. It's impossible to tell if Passive skills are being used.

03-12-2011, 04:27 PM
Joxter meet Blackwill, the forum's resident Troll who usually has nothing positive to contribute to any thread other than sour grapes. From time to time he has something useful to say so take it with a grain of salt. Try your own experiments, make your own observations and come to your own conclusions, you'll be much better off.

Team Kaos
03-12-2011, 06:30 PM
Joxter meet Blackwill, the forum's resident Troll who usually has nothing positive to contribute to any thread other than sour grapes. From time to time he has something useful to say so take it with a grain of salt.

Wow...that's rough

Don't worry Blackwill...despite all the trash your throwing at my stable...I still got some love for ya....

I will add though...Iron Jaw. Brute Force, Blood Drunk, Devastating Power, Grim Determination among others are very obvious skills. If you aren't utilizing them I would highly recommended that you do.

03-13-2011, 01:53 AM
Hey guys,

I've searched the forums for this and there doesn't appear to be an answer already. Do activated abilities (Barreling Attack, Feint, etc) occur randomly throughout the fight or do they have to be 'activated' somewhere?

Cheers in advance

Hi Joxer, welcome to Pit of War!

There is nothing specific you have to do to make an activated skill go off. The higher your skill level in it the better chance you have of using it and its effects will be greater as well. Hope that answers your question.

Good luck in the Pit!


03-13-2011, 03:50 AM
Cheers for all the answers, guys.

One more question while I'm on a roll of getting answers though;
If I put a single 'point' into an ability it's rank goes up to 1. From then I have to put 10 points in to get it to 2. For this reason is it worth spending a single point in a number of talents (cross trees) just because it's 1 rank for 1 training point? Or is having rank 1 of an ability practically the same as having 0 in it..?

Thanks again

03-13-2011, 04:17 AM
Or is having rank 1 of an ability practically the same as having 0 in it..?
Thanks again

This is the correct assumption. Focus on that weapon skill. Don't stop till at least 5. Then branch out. Raising everything to 1 won't help ya.

03-13-2011, 08:22 AM
I agree about training the weapons skill first. Some of the cross tree stuff is nice to have, but your core skills are more important early on.