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View Full Version : Requirements for retirement to gain access to premium slave market

06-30-2013, 06:19 PM
For all new players and vets alike and to reduce learning curve.

There comes a time in every gladiator's life when the call of freedom is greater than the call of blood...As So-And-So's Master only you can decide if you think she deserves freedom and the glory of being forever honored in The Hall of Legends!
Not all gladiators are eligible for The Hall of Legends though, only those who have proven their worth can enter. The win ratio required works on a sliding scale getting easier with more fights.
Must have reached the Primus bracket.
Must be level 50 or higher.
Must have a 1000 total fights or more.
Must have greater than a 53% win ratio.
Not fighting in the Blood Games.
As a reward to Master's who's gladiators enter The Hall of Legends, the Slave Masters will allow you to choose from their very best stock that rivals what they sell in the normal market until you've found a new slave to your liking.

* Note: As a free citizen of the Great Realm, if at a later time you wish to have Newflash come out of retirement and fight for you once again in the Great Arena you will have to make sure you have room in your barracks and offer a gift of 1000 trophies to persuade her to voluntarily give up her freedom and fight for you again.

07-01-2013, 10:14 AM
The hardest is to be in Primus, but guess making 1000 fights before that and try to enter primus after that is the most reasonable since I dont think we gonna take much wins in there :D
Btw after we make out glad retired, do we gonna get premium slaves every day until we buy from the market ? like 2-3 months ?

07-01-2013, 11:22 AM
Premium glads stay untill you buy 1.
However this isn't totally true, you can retire multiple gladiators to get a "stack" of premium glads
EG: I retire 2 glads and get 2 premium glads in return, my slave market will have premium slaves untill I buy 2 premium slaves.

07-01-2013, 12:18 PM
THank you :)