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View Full Version : The achievement points bug (unknown)

Pit Lord
06-25-2013, 02:27 PM
I don't know the exact nature of the bug but somehow Heavy Barrel now has 7920 points while TT and The Sheperd have around 6300-6500. Something happened during last week - I think last time I checked them was before one week or more and he was around 6k. I don't know how exactly he amassed the points but the known facts are he was in primus bracket and he recently reached rank 1. He was using 3 +5 size achievements while reaching rank 1.

06-28-2013, 12:45 AM
Not all achievements are weighted the same with regards to the Hall of Legends. Things like #1 titles and Blood Games championships are much more valuable for instance.

Good luck in the Pit!


06-29-2013, 03:08 PM
As Nate said undisputed titles get you quite abit of points. Crown Clown was at exactly 3k points yesterday and has grown with 670 points from the ( not sure if I checked it before or after this: Murder by Numbers (5) ) and the Blood Lords champion and undisputed champion titles. Im planning on letting him get his maximus and primus undisputed ones aswell so he should have 5 undisputed titles in the end. I will check if those 2 scale in the amount of points they give or not when I get there :p