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Team Kaos
03-04-2011, 07:03 PM
Postal Rage - Deep Hurting

You gotta be kidding!!

03-05-2011, 06:37 AM
What's the deal with Deep Pockets and Postal Rage?? Shadow fought him this morning and made a pin-cushion out of him. Are you referring to your bout with him yesterday? I didn't get a chance to read it before work last night.

Team Kaos
03-05-2011, 11:22 AM
None of my fighters have faced him yet, but a trophy head scouting report reveals some amazing skill jumps.
Let's just say he has more skills then Solstice.

03-05-2011, 01:24 PM
I find early skill bumps to be far cheaper than new equipment all the time (Which I try to recycle as much as I can). If I can hold off on putting points into a skill until he's able to buy them with trophies it only costs 8/15/30 for the first 3 levels. Saves on a lot of skill points. If I burn the same amount of trophies on equipment it's all gone pretty quick.

Team Kaos
03-05-2011, 02:01 PM
I find early skill bumps to be far cheaper than new equipment all the time

:) That's funny, you have him early skilled up to almost a level 30 fighter.
I have him on my watchlist, I'd like to see how much experience plays a role in winning compared to gladiators of equal skill.

I'm just wondering how many groups of slaves you burned through to find him and Bloodbath II. Those are not ordinary run of the mill attributes. Unless there was some early training as well.

03-05-2011, 03:42 PM
I'd he's as skilled as say a level 26 fighter (I'll leave out he's about to ding 27 next fight..wait.a..minute...doh!). ;) Since that is what Meric is and they have the same total skill points.

But seriously, I don't like using trophies on rotating the slaves. It feels like a waste to me. I've done it on a whim, but not often and not repeatedly. That's not to say I won't spend money. That is obviously not the case. My original plan was for Postal Rage to be THE guy I put money into with everyone else leeching old equipment from each other and maybe occasionally dropping a few bucks when they need it here and there (The mismash Meric is wearing is a combination of hand me downs and leftover trophies from equipping PR and BBII and I'm done spending on Ultimo, though his equipment is partially recycled too.) And PR he has some stat bumps (They cost the same as skill bumps). He did not come that way out of the box. My plans were altered when I saw a slave available with stats I loved so I added Bloodbath II (Or annoyingly as his name shows up on my screen when not in fights...Bloodbath li). I fixed some...inefficiencies on the way I set up Postal Rage so ultimately I think BBII will be better though their styles differ so who knows. PR definitely has a lot more wasted skill points (Did I really need all those skill points in weapons I never use?!). Recycler A is a different type of experiment. Strategically I am running him like BBII but I haven't spent a dime on him. All of his equipment is 100% well...recycled and no trophy stat or skill bumps. Sure it's purples, but it's level 1 purples I already had. I do not intend to spend any money on Recycler. When it is time, he will be replaced. I take no offense, but despite what you may think about my finances I cannot afford to blow the amount it would take to equip/train and re-equip as needed a full roster of 5. When Meric and Ultimo go they will likely meet with similar replacements as Recycler. I don't like spending what I have so far, but I also want to enjoy the game long-term and it's still a heck of a lot less than I was spending on Duelmasters/Duel II in my day (And before Pit of War came along, I was getting tempted to go back for the 4th or 5th time.....) and there is nothing less fun than getting your brains bashed in time after time. Which was starting to happen with my initial low expenditure team when I dropped some bucks. It also helps/hurts that I'm in the middle of a long trip for work at the moment so I have both more cash (Thank you food per diem!) and more boredom time to blow cash that I really shouldn't (Doh! Stupid impulse buys.).

BTW I'm showing a guy in my slave market right now with 64-74-70-75-79-61-62 but I'm not really ready for another guy right now. So he has to go back into the ether.

Ok crazed rambling about my training strategies/general outlook/whatever popped into my head over. :)

Team Kaos
03-05-2011, 06:34 PM
Great insight into the mind of a co-grape ape as we have been tagged. I get the recycling part as I do that myself with my gladiators with hand me downs, but eventually your prone to fall behind someone else once they upgrade and take a bashing and watch as your gladiator falls like a rock...or you can be proactive and upgrade before everyone else and try to stay a step ahead. Eventually even the best armor becomes subpar compared to everyone's upgrades, whether it be green, blue or purple...

No matter if it is on armor or skills..it all takes $$ to do. Whether it's having an armory large enough to store those hand me downs or upgrade weapons and armor or in your case do a skill boost of hysterical leaps.

But I will also agree, Duels II was becoming a cash draining game only to watch well trained fighters become tourney chum for those pop up tourney only mega fighters. Then eventually watch them destroy and kill (forever) your fighters in the arena. Although I did enjoy those freebie turns when attaining duelmaster and other awards.
Free is good...Free is nice.........hint hint...Nate??...hint hint

I just found it amusing at seeing a level 18 with more skill then level 25's or higher.

03-06-2011, 04:40 AM
Yeah agree on the armory but at 30 trophies a pop it's actually a steal to get enough extra slots to carry a full set of spare gear, considering how much said gear costs. It's a much better deal than some of the stable upgrades such as scribe, undertaker level 2, higher levels of guards and armory. Those do not have a good value to cost ratio to me. Hell for the price of the scribe (Which performs a function I could do myself were I not lazy) I could pimp the hell out of a new guy or buy enough slots to store a full set of gear AND level 1 gear for a style of my choosing and still have some leftover for stat and skill bumps.

The gear does fall off after a while. I've noticed it seems to take a marked jump after so many levels. Like there's no point in buying level 2 or 3 gear if you already have the level 1 stuff, but there comes a point where it is a huge jump. I've been trying to pin down when that happens but my research is hampered by not wanting to drop 5 trophies just to take a peek at the purples.

03-07-2011, 04:07 PM
Free is good...Free is nice.........hint hint...Nate??...hint hintI agree which is why the bankers give you 30 trophies a month virtually for free. ;)


Team Kaos
03-07-2011, 06:36 PM
I agree which is why the bankers give you 30 trophies a month virtually for free.


And ole Calamari il Jimmy comes along and virtually strolls away with 3k of my scratch every few days.