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View Full Version : Calling All Citizens of The Great Realm! We Need Conquest Ideas!

04-19-2013, 01:21 AM
The Great Realm needs you! Yes you!

The Great Realm's conquests are going to be in need of a lot of dungeons and ideas for them. A dungeon can mean an actual dungeon or a crypt or a tree top village, etc. You can be as detailed or vague as you like offering a simple one sentence idea or a paragraph including back story and named bosses. I've always tried my best to include the players in the development of Pit of War, so if you are so inclined why don't you see what you can come up with! Try and keep things in the theme of the game using the game's races etc.

Good luck in the Pit!


04-19-2013, 03:37 AM
How about a temple of blood worship? Would include Dunder priests as enemies(few of em, but very challenging, imagine a priest that would wield a giant hammer, rather than a staff or book) and a lot of demons as lesser enemies, and by a lot, I mean A LOT! :D
As if the dunder priests' blood rituals would've attracted swarms of lesser demons in anticipation of their master's release.
Said master could be a very power demonic boss, I guess. Temple setting could be something around the lines of "Old mountain hall of the dunder people, now transformed into a den of debauchery and unspeakable acts by the twisted priests" O_o

04-23-2013, 01:34 AM
Maybe something like tiered dungeons if that is possible, but they are ofcourse also usable sepperate.
Your stable.
Your stable is under attack by *insert cool enemy* (can be anything actually, Uprising villagers, bandits, uprising gladiators, invading armies, you name it.)
Maybe defend in stages in an battle royal style (your 5 glads VS X enemies, needs balancing ofcourse) defend your barracks, armory, vault etc. etc. (vault being last one if you implement the loss of gold or items)
You need to defend your stable maybe a mini-boss at the end here?
Losing might result in the loss of gold / items in your vault?

Your Village.
Now that your stable is purged from *insert cool enemy* you need to clear the village.
Again stages battle royal style here. (blacksmith, temple, slave market, black market, bank)
Maybe a boss at the end here?
Maybe a reward depending on where the boss is (blacksmith random item, temple 3 day free healing, slave market free random slave, black market random black market rank 1 reward, bank 5-20 tokens?)

08-23-2013, 11:03 PM
I remember playing the campaign 'The Founding of Durotar' in Warcraft III: the Frozen Throne, years back. A lone beastmaster 'Rexaar', while wandering aimlessly in the woods with his faithful bear friend Misha, accidentally gets dragged into a fight protecting a stranger and eventually finds the mission of his life - bringing peace between two mighty empires. All of us here might have played this campaign back then.

Can we look into the possibility of having a story and quest system something similar to it?

08-28-2013, 11:35 PM
Another rpg I remember for the storyline of its campaign is Warlords Battlecry III. Although it lacked 'characters' unlike what Warcraft III has, the player's choices alter the gameplay significantly in terms of gaining alliances, waging wars or retrieving artifacts while travelling through the map of Etheria.

Maybe we can take some of the elements from it into our game when possilble...