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View Full Version : Level efect on equipment

04-17-2013, 05:58 AM
I've been saving money in the bank since I started and soon I would have enough to be able to buy a purple weapon at the blacksmith.

The question is ¿Should I wait to level 50 to buy it (so the equipment that appears at blacksmith is level 50 too)?

04-17-2013, 06:28 AM
I generally don't buy purples until level 50 and let my glads level up in greens/blues. Some other managers do pick up purple weapons as they level.

04-17-2013, 06:37 AM
If you intend to buy the purple gear with gold, better save until you have a level 48-50 fighter - you will drop the lower level purples after they cease being efficient anyway. Also - don't buy purples for gladiators which are not likely to perform well in the top brackets (Primus and Blood Gods), you'll just be wasting money on them. As for how to recognize if a gladiator will perform well in the top brackets, the thumb says that the following rules generally work:
1. Your very first gladiator will not perform well in the top brackets. In most cases he/she's very underpowered stat-wise and no amount/quality of gear can compensate for that.
2. Gladiators worth less than 950 gold on the Slave Market are quite unlikely to perform well in the top brackets, except in some pretty rare cases. Again, the problem is with the low stats. Primus and Blood Gods are full of super-gladiators due to the Hall of Legends.
3. Gladiators with low (less than 70) base Intellect will fail you relatively often if you don't invest in their brain via other means, even if their other stats are good.

04-17-2013, 08:23 AM
My starting gladiator does pretty good and is hardly a throw away with no chance whatsoever. He has gotten all the Primus awards to boot and this is before starting gladiators got an increase in their attribute scores. If you have good strategies and a good build you can take just about any gladiator into Primus, you might even sit on the throne. The best thing you can do is just experiment and get 5 glads in your stable so you'll get a lot of fights under your belt and learn things faster. As some of your glads don't perform, sell them off and buy new ones. Before you know it you'll have a few glads that are doing well and competing.

Some players upgrade their gear every 10 levels or so, other wait until level 50 to get all the purples, it's really up to you. Getting purples early on might help your win % which you'll need when you hit the higher brackets and start losing a lot more than you were in the lower brackets. Either way you'll have fun. Keep in mind any gear you buy that is not soulbound can be stored in your vault and given to other glads, so it is not money wasted.

04-17-2013, 09:20 AM
The only purple items that I generally buy for glads under lvl 50 are weapons. Winning is more fun than loosing (finally something we can all agree on), and better gear will certainly make that easier. The purple gear gets rather expensive at lvl 50, so you may want to do a little saving up for that.

Solid advice from both Dainoji and Kreegan (who never agree on anything...except the winning is more fun part:) Have fun!

04-17-2013, 09:33 AM
Well the point is that my starting glad is a bit special.

Base stats: 68-72-73-75-73-74-69 Not a beast but very good to star with.

I was aiming mainly for weapons. If I start feeling my glad starts falling Ill consider it. Ill keep saving for the moment.

04-17-2013, 10:19 AM
That's actually a very good starting gladiator, could be developed into a decent fighter. Mine barely had any attributes above 60.

Pit Lord
04-17-2013, 11:22 AM
I think this is 990+ quality. All my glads are between 960 and 990 but none with so much stats.

04-17-2013, 11:36 PM
nice slave.

With gear, I'd hold off getting purples till lvl 50. In the mean time, you can kit your glads out in blue items and spend cash on other upgrades like barracks and undertaker instead :)

04-18-2013, 06:42 AM
I already have all improvements that can be made with money. So now all what I get goes for repairs and to the bank to save for better equipment.

Maybe I do some micropayement for some trophies to get the accountnt and the third slot to have a free one if something good appears. I would like to try and experience diferent kinds of glad. Now I have this one and one theatrics with some less skills but that isnt perfoming bad so far both are in juggernaut with about 75% win ratio.

By the way building this first glad gives me a bit of headache. He is so well rounded that makes difficult to chose how to build him haha