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03-01-2011, 02:04 PM
So... it's weird / suspicious just how often one of my gladiators keeps dying.

He seems to die a TON. Sure his Presence is not great, naturally it's 62 but he's got gear to pump it up to 71. In addition to that he's also got 3 points in Crowd Pleaser!!!

Yet, he still seems to die left and right and it's really irritating. Is he really that unlucky? Is something else factoring in?

My other Rage Gladiator has 76 Presence naturally and with gear it's up to 82, so 11 points higher but with no Crowd Pleaser yet he rarely dies!

Is there some hidden factor that the more you die, the more you're likely to keep dying?

03-01-2011, 02:29 PM
What is the record of your gladiator who dies vs the one who doesn't? If he loses a lot the chances he is going to die more increase a lot as well just by the fact he is losing. Winners don't die. ;)

What is his size? Does he have a low health for his level compared to others? If so the Enforcer will have less time to save him when the blows start raining down towards the end of the fight.

03-01-2011, 03:11 PM
It's true one with higher Presence does seem to be winning slightly more (68-40-9) vs the one that's dying a ton (56-29-3) -- granted the winning one has a ton more strength and has been around longer so is higher level and has more fights. Both are the same size (actually the dying one is slightly higher at 71) with gear they have ~ same stamina (less than 1 point diff).

Team Kaos
03-01-2011, 03:47 PM
I think bloodlust plays a factor in dying, if your gladiator is running mad high bloodlust he is probably not giving up when he probably should and/or is putting himself in defensively bad positions leaving him prone to deathly hits.

03-02-2011, 01:19 PM
Thanks Team Kaos, maybe that is it -- I do believe many of his stances have a high blood lust set. I'll try adjusting it to see if the results change. Thank you again.