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View Full Version : Bleeding Question

04-03-2013, 06:00 PM
I have a quick question about bleeding that I was wondering if anyone had any experience with.

I understand that the weapon type, opponent's armour, fight styles, etc, all impact the bleeding. What I was wondering was the impact of damage per hit vs. speed.
For example, if I had a blade (let's say broadsword) that attacks once per round for 20 damage vs. a blade (let's say epee) that attacks twice per round for 10 damage (ie both do 20 damage per round) would the expected bleeding per round be about the same? ie - do you get more bleed damage for higher damage hits, or is it only related to the number or hits? Likewise, is there something similar for activity level vs. bloodlust (number of hits vs. how hard you hit)?

04-03-2013, 07:22 PM
Bleeding can come from a crit effect or from GV (which is a "silent" bleed)

From what I've observed, crit effect bleed tends to scale well with bigger damage weapons while GV bleeds build up better with fast weapons. I think for overall bleeding smaller faster weapons will rack up more bleed than a heavier set assuming all the hits land (deflections are quite common with the smaller weapons).

04-03-2013, 10:12 PM
Normally a gladiator with fast bladed weapons will inflict considerably more bleeding than a gladiator with slow ones, mainly because - with Gratuitious Violence - even the smallest hits count and minor scratches could open not-so-minor bleeding wounds. The heavier weapons are better if you aim at bringing down your opponent with direct damage. There's a "but" of course. In certain circumstances - like against a gladiator who tends to parry most of your attacks - you will benefit more from a heavy weapon which penetrates the defense a few times, scores some good hit and triggers some bleeding at the same time (in comparison, the combined direct and bleeding damage from a light weapon could not be enough to bring the opponent down before your gladiator falls exhausted).