View Full Version : Disarmed with an off hand

Team Kaos
02-26-2011, 09:15 AM
Why is it, that when a gladiator carrying an off hand weapon gets disarmed he is unable to just switch to his off hand weapon to his main hand?
It just seems untrained warrior-like that they are picking up odd weapons off the ground or getting sliced up while throwing punches or elbows or of course waiting around until having the enforcer or crowd toss in a random weapon.

02-26-2011, 03:42 PM
Probably just a game-ism. Lots of games have them. Since off-hand weapons can't be equipped in your main hand it stands to reason that is why you can't switch it over. Does it make sense? Of course not, but neither does many of the graphic images or sentences implying your gladiator's leg was removed yet he still runs around or had his spleen propelled out his arsehole! :p It sure makes the game more fun though! I've played many games that tried to be too realistic and I've found they often times suffer because of it.

02-26-2011, 04:02 PM
or had his spleen propelled out his arsehole

I just wanted to quote that. For effect.