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View Full Version : Advice for new slave?

02-19-2013, 08:12 AM
I've been playing one gladiator fairly successfully for a while despite investing in that second slot, but I've finally run across a slave in the slave market that intrigues me.

For 1001 gold and 49 silver, this lvl. 1 slave has 91 strength, 69 intellect, 71 agility, 78 stamina, 64 size, 66 presence, and 54 chi.

So my question is should I get him and if so would a war specialty work out with a size of only 64? Or would he be better off as a rage or theatrics or for some reason is he not worth it?

02-19-2013, 08:35 AM
Usually any slave over 1000 gold is worth it, especially in your case since you have a slot open. There is no reason not to buy him, if something better comes along you can sell him or your first glad. His Chi is rather low so Rage might not be your best bet. I'd go War and with that strength be sure to train A&M or 2H. You could even train MOA and then go Axe/Shield and see how you like it. I'd buy this glad and experiment if I were in your sandles. :)

02-19-2013, 09:59 AM
I'd grab this slave for sure also! Looks like it could be a lot of fun. I have nothing against Dainoji suggestion but would like to point out that i wouldn't throw out the possibility of it being a theatrics with a lot of rage skills either.

something like 10 mace, 10 aimed blow, 10 feint, 10 armour movement, 10 str of the crowd, 10 hamstring, 10 devastating power, 10 blood drunk, 10 brute force, 10 adrenaline rush

If it was larger i'd also consider dropping str of the crowd and armour movement for DFA from the warrior tree, but it is kinda small. :)

02-19-2013, 05:44 PM
personally i would leap at this slave and make him either a power rage or a 2H rage. there is enough chi gear out there to make it a non-issue.

91 str is awesome :D