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View Full Version : Serious Injury isn't all that serious

01-02-2013, 06:37 AM
I do not see that a serious injury is all that serious. I mean sure, if you happen to hit that same appendage again, you get extra damage; but, that is VERY seldom. And with called shot not being on the same tree as all of the "injury causing skills", then it becomes even less effective.

It appears to me that the injured person serves no negatives to speed, to hit, damage, etc. - they just have to hope that they don't get hit in the "arm" again.

If you have a serious injury to the leg, you should go down and be at negatives for striking from the ground.

If you have a serious injury to the arm, that arm should go out and you should loose all swings from that arm or all armor for the shield.

Head > negatives to something - maybe "to hit" and "defense"

Torso > Maybe "bleeding"

I dunno, I would just like to see a Serious Injury, be... Serious.

01-02-2013, 08:22 AM
As you probably have already noticed, the game is not very realistic. And that's a good thing, otherwise you wouldn't be able to do much planning. There already are certain combat effects which could disable certain (or all) gladiators like 2 rounds Stun, knockdown (really nasty vs. most Wars) and Can Not Attack (what could a Rage do then?) and of course the almighty KO - no need for even more of them. Besides, these serious injuries can result in monstrous damage against the injured fighter - go check the ugly stick thread, there are reports for damage that can slay the Emperor + one of the Primus Trugs in one hit. A hint - Called Shot makes the probability that you are talking about much higher.

01-02-2013, 09:14 AM
Agreed with Kreegan, try Called Shot on 10 it will make injuries alot more significant.
The skills that boost damage to injuries aren't all that, as a matter of fact idd even go as far as to say that they suck donkeyballs.

Devastating Power at 10 doesn't nearly increase the rate at which an injury turns into a lvl 2 injury enough at all (if it made an injury lvl 2 by default with a chance of attaining a lvl 3 injury it would be awesome) and as for Crippling Might it looks asif it actually reduces the damage you do on serious Injuries.

Called Shot however makes a serious difference since you will actually hit the injuries, Yukimaru my theatrics has made tons of injuries and even had a period where he did an average of 3 injuries a fight to the head. Imagine causing an injury at the start of the fight and hitting it nearly 90% of the rest of the fight, that's like an extra 5-6 hits depending on how long the battle runs.

01-02-2013, 06:03 PM
Anyone who needs to know how serious a serious injury can be just come on over to my Seven Seas stable and we'll injure you up good an serious:cool:

No...i'm on the fence here...called shot and dev/power builds are what i do ( they're mine), and i'm just getting the hang of it, but i have NO dominant glads threatening the throne yet, so we'll see after the update, but... i expect to be handing out many more serious injuries soon so keep your healers number in your Rolodex, Boys:o