View Full Version : WarLord in Blood Games??

12-17-2012, 11:02 PM
I thought the Blood games was not only an honorable tournament...but a half-assed exclusive tournament among the higher end glads in the game?

My man is pitted against a #11 ranked warlord (not even top 10)(Warlord, BloodGod, Maximus, Primus)....Now i know that must mean that my glad is doing a laughable job in the BG, but it should be a really easy win for my man today. I see this as neither exclusive nor honorable.....I feel like I'm gonna go beat up a kid:confused:

By the way, speaking of honorable whoever named their glad Fuc King (Champion bracket) should go back to playing kid games with the other immature @#$^^W*%^!

BTW I'm not on another un-happy rant here...just some food for thought....GOOD MORNING Ladies and Gents!:o

12-18-2012, 01:51 AM
Well, all except the top 50 gladiators in Primus are nothing more than frags in the Blood games so it hardly matters. And usually only the top 30 have some real chance to be ranked decently. True story, hence the frequent requests for opt out by default.

12-18-2012, 03:03 AM
Yes yes....I Scream for an auto drop update.....and a "vacation" option that allows you to sit one or all of your glads for as long as you want.
But yeah, back to business...Those "frags" you talk about are kind of a clutter and it's annoying....but there is NO chance of a non-Primus glad winning the Blood Games, and I don't want to hear anyone say "well anything's possible, with the right strats and build..." cause it just won't happen, those poor guys are just targets.

Lol...is there even a true top 50 in Primus? You could lose one fight and drop 50 places in the ranks...that's tight competition.:o

12-18-2012, 08:53 AM
Well not to be mean or anything but my glad has a chance of winning the blood games although I'm pretty sure he's going to lose he still has a chance. He's ranked 16th right now if you want to see him. As for the people who name there glads something immaturish then I agree with you there

12-18-2012, 01:15 PM
Two-handed Rage? And even without a proper equipment? If he's not some killing machine, just forget it. :)

12-18-2012, 02:40 PM
Sorry Troop, I'm not dissing your glad and i mean no disrespect, but yeah...you don't stand a chance with an incomplete Glad:o Those guys that are on top of the blood games are the same ones on top in Primus. The top 10 glads in Primus are Almost like the tier 6 Arena challenges....REEEEEEEALLY REALLY tough! The Glads ranked 11-20, are your tier 5 arena challenges...REEEEEALY tough....Glads ranked 21-35 are pretty damn tough, but a far cry from the top 10. Glads ranked 36- 115 are basically equal with a few exceptions...and the bottom end of primus (ranked 36-115) should wipe the floor with any warlord class Gladiator.

The reason i made this thread was because I think it's...uh... not nice;) to let your Glad (Or any non-Primus Glad) in with no chance of winning.

Alba Kebab
12-18-2012, 04:24 PM
Err, I send my glads in there because I want to see how they do, you don't lose anything by participating, except your head sometimes... but those can grow back, so why not? :p

12-18-2012, 05:23 PM
Don't get me wrong...i'm not trying to be discouraging to anyone...it's just kind of like challenging the Harlem globetrotters to a game of basketball, you might learn something...but...:rolleyes:

12-18-2012, 07:49 PM
It's about the journey not the destination. Not everyone plays games just to win and in the current BG format many a gladiator could take the crown even a 2H rage without proper equipment.

12-18-2012, 11:35 PM
Well, Blood Games is about top 125 gladiators in the whole Great Realm. Such gladiators must have perhaps been level 50, with 100 points in skill tree, and with all fight strategies available (otherwise it means there is not much competition in the game). So all these participants must be equal, at least core talent-wise and the title (warlord or primus) should not matter imo.