View Full Version : HOL glads

Team Kaos
12-13-2012, 08:19 PM
I can't seem to figure out how you guys lose with these monsters, unless it is to another HOL fighter.
These guys have about 50 point advantage on regular slaves to start and up to 100 I have come across once decked out and attributes leveled. Maybe, I am a bit off base... but I truly cannot imagine the monster I would and will unleash on you guys once I have one of these freaks in my hands.

I can certainly see some of the lower managers concerns about having to meet up to the HOL slaves once they work their way up to the Maximus and finally Primus with their regular slaves and having a chance at attaining the minimums to get a shot at picking their own freak.

The top 50 is dominated by basically the same 4-5 managers with pretty much all HOL glads with a few regs sprinkled in.

12-13-2012, 10:49 PM
my HoL glads are based on really old and obsolete builds. Not fussed tbh. As long as my guys get to hit things I'm happy.

I do need to get Kholek's w/l up a bit more so I can retire him though... :(

12-14-2012, 01:09 AM
Honestly, i have seen nothing in the HOL slaves that makes me think they are that much better than a regular glad...of course i'm still learning the game, but my few HOL glads have gotten their faces rubbed in the sand MANY times buy little ol' "regular" glads and vice-verse...:confused:

Since the introduction of the HOL Roid-Slaves, I've learned that stats don't mean much, I've learned that gear (as far as color goes) don't mean much...the only thing I've seen make a major difference is the Manager :cool:

12-17-2012, 06:46 AM
Kaos, HoL slaves have just better starting stats, that can be compensated by gear and achievements at least until they get the same gear and achievements themselves (but some achievements take quite a long time to get...).

Even then, the strategy and the build can make the difference as every type of gladiator has his weak points and can be beaten by the adequate counter-build... The problem is to find a build that can counters all the main other types...

Currently only one of the 5 glads in my team is an HoL slave but all 5 are in Top 30 so it's not impossible to beat all those HoL monsters !

12-17-2012, 08:04 AM
They are better I can't disagree with that. Anyone who says they aren't is just isn't thinking about end game, where everyone has all the stats, is in full purple gear. They will have like you said 50+ more attribute points then a normal glad once they are topped out.

I just started on them last as i was on a break from the game and just now got my first one finished on stats/skills (Olympian and 100 skill points where i want them) this week and she is sitting in 1st in Primus right now, has already defeated all of the arena challenges and still needs 28 more kills to get the +15 str achievement which will take her to another level (200+ str). Almost of my glads that i retired cost me over 1000g to buy (yup spent lots and lots of trophies finding all of them) and they arent even close to these monsters when i compare their starting stats to the new HOL Slaves.

Team Kaos
12-17-2012, 02:08 PM
Kaos, HoL slaves have just better starting stats, that can be compensated by gear and achievements at least until they get the same gear and achievements themselves

A gladiator of the same level cannot even come close to compensating whether through gear or achievement to equal a HOL attribute if the HOL glad is decked out in like armor and likely better achievement unlocks already due to his superior starting atts.

Even then, the strategy and the build can make the difference as every type of gladiator has his weak points and can be beaten by the adequate counter-build... The problem is to find a build that can counters all the main other types...

Of course strategy and build counts for most of the game, but I am talking about experienced managers here, that have solid build models.
I have beaten HOL glads with my guys some are actually fairly easy to beat with certain builds...all builds have a counter...

HOL glads have a huge advantage on a regular glad...and don't think I am complaining about..I am not..Heck..I can't wait until I get my first..You better believe I want to add one of those freaks to my stable. I just said...I have a hard time figuring out how some of those freaks have so many losses. Perhaps I have a huge ego...but these guys should be racking up wins silly style. I am truly foaming at the mouth at what I invision my first HOL slave to be capable of.

Second part was...these guys most certainly put a downer on some of the lower managers as they watch their prized glads get torn up and passed up in the ranks at lightning speed and eventually when they do reach Blood God and Maximus and hopefully Primus with their run of the mill glad, it become an immense challenge to compete vs the same a decked out HOL glad they were fighting months and months earlier when they got passed up.
Yes there are 2 sides of the story, always are..depends on which side you choose to look from.

I just end by saying.......... Watch out when I get me some!!.

12-17-2012, 07:05 PM
For myself all of my HOL glads flew through the brackets with mostly a >80% win ratio. But because of the swiftness of there rise when they got to the upper part of blood gods, they started to run into glad that were level 50 and build complete. and with them only having 60-70 skills they would lose on a more frequent basis. Of course there winning percentage really took a nosedive once they hit the wall known as primus. But once they get skilled up and geared up then the winning percentage goes back up.

My only exception to this is Zeta II, but 2hand rage has so many weaknesses that it was expected to lose on a more frequent basis.

12-17-2012, 09:51 PM
My own HoL gladiators fight with green gear all the way to Primus, some of them didn't have the luxury of getting double training points per day because I couldn't afford guild membership most of the time and none of them has more than the gold slot achievements. So even with mutated stats, they're pretty beatable before fully trained (which happens after a large number of losses in Primus). Heck, I have just one Grizzled Veteran out of 5 HoL slaves and he's in Primus for weeks now. Probably I'm not the only one.

12-25-2012, 08:01 AM
BTW grats on getting Solstice into the top 25 of Primus!