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02-04-2011, 01:23 PM
So I've never stepped in the chamber. How does it work? How much should I save up / invest before I go in?

Just last fight, my gladiator Abomination (who has a nice level 15 green, 81 dpr) was paired up against a similar level gladiator with a level 9 epic (124 dpr!!). 40 odd dpr was just to much to compete with. My crappy green armor couldn't keep up either. His epic leather had similar armor value to my scale.

I'm just glad I didn't match up with him at level 9. At level 9, I was sporting much less.

This time, I lost. I've been matched against quire a few nicely equipped gladiators now that Abomination is in the elite.

02-04-2011, 02:56 PM
Once you pay the 5 trophies you have access with all of your guys for the time limit (24 hours?). It works like the normal blacksmith mostly with 2 pages of items, the first being weapons/shields and the 2nd being armor. You can come in and out of the chamber of power at will during that period without having to repay the 5 trophies if you need to do some fiddling around and you can pay gold to reset the items you see like the normal blacksmith. Though it's actually cheaper to do so (10 gold if I recall). The items are level based so the higher level your guy the more trophies you are going to expect to drop.

You want to go in with a good stock of trophies as well as gold since it's going to cost a bunch of both if you want to go for specific types of gear. I've recently bought stuff for a level 10 and level 22 and the 22 would have paid 25-40 trophies per piece (I gave up on him and decided to upgrade the 10 instead) while the 10 was paying in the 15-20 range.

02-04-2011, 04:25 PM
Yeah...that Epic stuff isn't cheap :) Don't go in without an extra 50+ trophies and around 3000-4000 gold, minimum. Otherwise, you're just wasting the 5 trophy entry fee.

02-08-2011, 10:21 AM
yeah I just did a couple upgrades and the level 23 weapons were going round 60 trophies and 1700 gold each give or take...depends how much purple you wanna throw on, but probably shouldnt pay the 5 trophies for access unless you plan to grab at least a few pieces