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View Full Version : Make the Blacksmith able to refresh for gold again?

10-29-2012, 11:58 PM
Nate, is it possible to go back to being able to refresh the blacksmith's wares for gold? Considering it took usually 100 refreshes to find "that one piece" for a build it's looking way too unappealing to kit out a glad in all new gear, especially when there is no 'free' trophy each day that could be put towards an inventory refresh.

Before it was 10gp to refresh the back room. Maybe make it 100gp to refresh the whole stock room of that item type (weapons or armor) as it shows more stuff? It also means that new players could look through more gear and maybe make that impulse buy on an awesome weapon or something :)

as an aside, I decided to put the trophies I just bought into getting the rest of my stable upgrades as it was guaranteed benefit from my trophies :) <3 that they are affordable upgrades now

10-30-2012, 02:20 AM
Seconded, Do I hear a motion?

10-30-2012, 02:37 PM
a big fat +1 from me on that one, boss.

10-30-2012, 03:25 PM
Having the ability linked to getting the final armory upgrade may be a way to do it as it makes that upgrade very appealing. That way it would mean that if people want to get easy refreshes, they need to pay a bit of coin first which is good for Nate's bottom line, and the player isnt subjected to spending trophies on the very low probability of getting the gear they want.

10-30-2012, 09:12 PM
+1 (message too short, making it longer)