View Full Version : Attacks that do additional "something" to the opponent colors

10-28-2012, 08:00 AM
A big portion of the game is learning, but I have no way to learn because I just cannot tell.

I know that attacks change color and I am supposed to be able to see the red and bright red as indicators of how bad the hit is.

The problem is that I am working on some critical and serious injury guys and EVERY hit that I do is the same color except for a few crap hits that are white or whatever..

I really need something more.

10-28-2012, 08:07 AM
When the attack has a picture you can click the + at the red text of the hit to get additional info on the hit.
What I understood from Nate was that every hit is in fact a critical hit, White being level 1, Orange lvl 2, Red lvl 3, Bold red lvl 4 (Has the picture)

Also there's the text like "YUKIMARU ALMAZ screams as he gets knocked to the ground by the massive shot!" which means that he was knocked to the ground.
"BELGARAD drops his weapon as the pain from the hit streaks through his body!" means he dropped his Main hand weapon.
"LUMBER JACK's body is going to need a lot of work!!! *** Serious Injury ***" Indicates that the "Possible Injury" was made into an injury

And there's some more texts like that that indicate the effects.

10-28-2012, 09:05 AM
There are actually 5 levels of hits. Let's see if I can remember the colors...


dark gray is for misses.

hits with a graphic are a crit and you can see the crit effects as Prinny pointed out by clicking on the green button with the orane plus mark in it.

Good luck in the Pit!


10-28-2012, 10:58 AM
Glad I almsot got it right xD

10-29-2012, 07:17 AM
Thanks guys - looks like I have to redo the last week of testing because I missed some important stats!!!!