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10-02-2012, 05:07 AM
I was thinking maybe we could have a system where each stable master can trade with another for equipment (equipment for equipment, equipment for gold gold for trophies etc.) also you can have friend stables to make trading easier just put in the stable upgrades as black market trade center or something like that

10-02-2012, 05:42 AM
I'll 2nd this one, has been many a time where we have had new people in the game and i would have sent them a few hundred thousand gold to help out at the beginning if there would have been away to do so. I would love to see everything be trade-able: gold, trophies, gladiators, weapons, and armor.

I think trading is a good part of any online game as it increases interaction between players.

10-02-2012, 06:53 AM
Weapon trading is not really possible as the seller of a particular piece of equipment will always offer it for lower, most likely arbitrary price than in the Blacksmith*, effectively reducing the latter to a repair site only. This will be against the current pricing policy of the game which makes the access to purple gear pretty difficult for managers who try to buy it with gold. Same applies to all other items that could be "tradeable" - if the Bank, Blacksmith and the Slave Market are not the monopolists in the respective trades, the players will soon form an inner competitive economy which will reduce the prices significantly. I'm not going to go into details why this won't be allowed as some people in this forums are very touchy on the matter but I guess you can figure it out yourselves. :)
Selling gladiators between the stables can be made applicable though.

*Alternatively the game can set a fixed minimum price for all sales which is no lower than the price of the respective piece in the Blacksmith - however this will make the whole thing partially pointless as you can find the same item for the same (or lower) price in the Blacksmith anyway and the only advantage of the inter-player transactions will be to acquire an item of the type and with the stats that you need faster.

10-02-2012, 07:02 AM
I would be good to see just slave trading/slave buying from other stables as I would like to see more interactions between people in game just make sure to put it into the stable upgrades for gold or and be able to upgrade it for larger transactions between stables for trophys as to gain a little more revenue from the new addition if its put in the game

10-02-2012, 07:10 AM
Trading between your own stables is good enough for me.

10-02-2012, 07:32 AM
I think trading is a good part of any online game as it increases interaction between players.
I love auction halls in online gaming. Take a small throphy fee for entering an item.